
161012 iFeng Entertainment Interview with Zhang Yixing

translated by: lyuanz & laymerence  | source: iFeng Entertainment News

Zhang Yixing who is a member of Asia’s top boyband, EXO, shines naturally. However his footsteps does not only stop at the stage of being an idol. He has acted as Er Yue Hong in <The Mystic Nine>, displaying the dominant, passionate side of the character, and subsequently overturned the image of being a “Little Lamb” in the hearts of the audience. “I have my own pursuits, even if I am tired”, that determination to show the best to the fans has always been very dominant.



Our meeting with Zhang Yixing this time round was a very unique one. The writer reached the arrival hall very early and blended in with the fans who were waiting for the flight from Korea to land. The moment Yixing appeared, the fans were full of excitement. Faced with the excited crowd and screams, he smiles, but you can see the tinge of exhaustion in him.




The staff escorted Yixing all the way to the carpark, and during this journey, the writer was squeezed so much that she couldn’t see where she was going, yet Yixing’s hands were full of letters. When it comes to the sincere words written on paper by the fans, he would take them through the gaps in the wall built by the guards. Yixing doesn’t wish for his fans to give him gifts, but he would voluntarily mail “hampers” to his fans.




Shrimp crackers, rabbit ears headband, a handwritten letter… in comparison to autographed photos, cosmetic products which other idols give to their fans, these gifts from him are not expensive. But it’s just like a friend you have in real life, mailing you stuff whenever and then giving you a call saying, “I think that this is very delicious, so I sent some to you. And there are also some small gifts inside, I reckon you would be able to use them in your life.” It really is such a sweet gesture.




With a few turns of the car wheels, we have arrived at the magazine filming site. It was the writer’s first time meeting Yixing and she couldn’t help praising him and calling him, “cute and handsome”. Yixing proudly says, “The one who is cute should be my mother, because my mother was the one who made me so good-looking”. Saying this, Yixing then starts doing his hair and make-up.




He suddenly changes the conversation, “but after you have interacted with me, do you think that I am cute? No right.” Indeed, rather than saying he is cute, we should say that he has built his own fairy-tale land in his heart. This is also the fearlessness which is pushing him to grow constantly in this complicated environment, where he is naturally switching between work and life.




When there were many people who were praising him for his amazing acting of Er Yue Hong’s crying scene in <The Mystic Nine>, he clearly understands that he wants to listen to different voices. “With regards to this role, I dare not say how well I’ve acted, but whether I’ve truly understood and felt (the emotions of the character). If I would to rate myself, I would give myself 70 or 80 marks. I have learnt to talk to the director, I still have much more room for improvement”.




Yixing said, “I have been humbly learning and working hard. Of course, everyone is working hard. If you want to take up this career, you need to do your job well. Bad acting is bad. You cannot use the excuse of being a newbie in acting.” Who hasn’t been a newbie before? What’s rare would be having the courage to continue being a newbie. No matter how high his popularity is, that scale in his hand, is always balanced by modesty and results.




Just like the magazine shoot. Even though it is already late at night, but after every group of photos shot, he would walk to the computer and engage with the photographer in a discussion - to see which poses need to be adjusted. It’s like he has the stubbornness of a perfectionist. With that slight frown on his face, is he still that “adorable” little lamb? Through the dim lighting, his serious silhouette is very sharp.




After the photoshoot has ended, he changes back into his own clothes and transforms from a young professional gentleman back to that big boy he usually is. It is already past midnight and the few fans who were originally waiting outside have also gone home. Yixing said, “My mother used to follow my flights, but she really had no energy to follow afterwards. There was a time where I took 25 flights in a month”.




Before Yixing left, he said to the writer, “be careful on your way home”. Just a few simple words, but it is enough to warm our hearts.




This time, the writer has arranged with Yixing to meet at an event. Before the event started, the writer went to Yixing’s waiting room to greet him first. We said our goodbyes hurriedly the last time, but that short yet heart-warming sentence Yixing said to us before leaving, left a deep impression on us. We can’t help but be curious about his interactions with his friends in private, is he as sweet too?




“I filmed <Unexpected Love> with Krystal previously. When we had breaks during filming, I would help to cover her with a blanket when she was feeling cold. On White Day, I wanted to eat some snacks and she suddenly told me that she wanted to eat chocolate too. So I went to the convenience store to buy a box of chocolates for her, and also gave her a rose as well.” Yixing says, “I am not directing this at anyone, but shouldn’t you treat your friends well?”




Perhaps because of this reason, he is then able to gain true friends in this industry, especially that group of <Go Fighting> brothers. When the show first aired, Yixing was the member who kept getting tricked by others and this caused some conflict. Because of this, it made some viewers feel that he can’t afford to play and is too pretentious. However, this is the reality which he treasures the most.




That idol image which has always been so well-protected has to now walk out of the comfort zone to attempt this reality show that is filmed 360 degrees around. It is hard for him to stay alert and go according to the script during the entire process, he can only say that he has put his entire heart and soul into the games. But it is exactly these edges that are not embellished nor decorated that have caused tough guys like Sun Honglei to be unable to reject Zhang Yixing. “If I can help him (Yixing) I would do my best do help”.




Yixing then went to another room to familiarize himself with the flow of the event. If not for one of the staff member’s reminders, the writer really couldn’t tell that Yixing was a person who had just recovered from a high fever yesterday night. His colleague brought some snacks for him, after taking it, the first thing he asks is this, “Do you want to have some?” There is nothing else more touching than the warmth that comes from the heart.




On the show, he would call the older seniors gege and jiejie when he sees them. Some people says that he is “acting cute” but if you look at this from a different point of view – such respect that comes from the heart is an interaction that is seemingly normal in daily lives, but why should he not do it when in front of the cameras then? The good thing is that Yixing did not care about such voices, he simply does as he is used to doing in private, maintaining his manners and politeness.




Looks like this is simply just his attitude towards life. But this are the demands he makes of himself. Just like how he says, “I want to give my fans the best”. This applies to being a person and also to music. Before he debuted, he tied sandbags on his entire body to practice, and he did it for two years. His greatest wish is to be able to write good songs, and he finally attained the <Top Chinese Music Most Popular Movie OST of the Year>.




Looking at Yixing who was currently focused on the rehearsal, the writer can’t help but the day where Yixing received his awards backstage while at the Top Chinese Music Awards. That day, he turned his back to the media while crying and haltingly said, “I have never forgotten that I am a singer. I must lead Chinese music scene and bring this music all over the world. In this era where people are relying on their spirit to shield themselves, not everyone has the courage to try the taste of tears.




When faced with his dreams, he is not an idol who will get into action at a single call. He is just a child who will cry when it hurts and will stand up again after crying. “When I’m dabbling with music, I have never felt that I am working.” Zhang Yixing’s tone is determined and even has a tinge of childishness in it. “When it comes to music, if I think it is good, then it is good. Even if it you tell me that it is not, I will still continue doing it”.




After the rehearsal has ended, Yixing then goes on stage. Unsurprisingly, the moment Yixing appears, cheers and screams ignite the entire venue at once.




Yixing skilfully does the flow (of the demonstration) which he learnt just now. He doesn’t speak nor purposely act cute, but he only needs to lift up his head and he would be able to trigger the screams from the fans. Now Yixing rarely does aegyo for fans, just like he says, "How awkward it is to act cute at 20-something years old. My fans are also slowly growing with me, I believe that they will understand me”.




On that day, “Shui-ge” Wang Yu Hang also turned up for the event. He gave Yixing a little blue and white porcelain dinosaur which he had personally made. When Yixing received the little gift, there was joy written all over his face, just like a little boy who had just received a Transformers toy from Santa Claus. There was a lull in the event and he took the chance to carefully pass the gift to his staff member to take care of.




Maybe it's just like he says: "<Go Fighting> has allowed me to grow a lot, because in the past I knew nothing about society. Now, (I know that) I can work hard towards everything, but not blindly, when doing things I have to do my best to observe my own situation, and be more mindful of what's happening, a little more mature, hiding the innocent parts slightly, but they are still present."




His instinctive innocence is precisely what allows him to always maintain his spirit of never giving up, most people say he's an adorkable sheep, and some might even be of his dream of being an "artist". But that actually underestimates the persistence down to his bones of pursuing the "best", especially when it comes to the music that he loves with his life. If there is a rare holiday, he'll unhesitatingly choose to write songs (with it).




When he first created <Alone>, he persisted in using direct language in place of veiled lyrics, when it comes to music he is very "tyrannical". It is precisely this which has allowed him to grow from an idol singer to a singer-songwriter, "I don't want anyone who likes me to be disappointed or embarrassed (of me). And I have my own dedication and persistence, even if I'm very tired."




On the day of his birthday 7 October, he pre-released the song <what U need> from his solo album as a benefit to fans, the clicks rapidly broke a million, and swept all the major music charts. Maybe this is the mutual "adoration" between him and his fans, it does not require too many sweet words, he powerfully uses his works to speak, to allow everyone to know that his fans didn't choose the wrong person to be a fan of.




This year, he fainted in public three times, he is an idol who will become exhausted, and more than that he is a dream-chaser who is pure and brave. His fighting spirit "work hard work hard work even harder" that does not betray his initial heart, makes Sun Hong Lei love him, and heartbreak for him: "Yixing made it by practising with all his might, I too, made it by practising with all my might, so I know how hard on yourself this is to have made it."




Everyone knows that Zhang Yixing has always liked to use the v-sign when taking photos. But actually the meaning of this sign has always changed, in the past it was cute, now it is Er Ye, in the future it will be something else. But trust that, as the sheep matures, however he changes, the silhouette beneath the lights, will be that of a fledgling king.




iFeng Entertainment <Rising Star> Exclusive Interview Zhang Yixing

Q: Everyone saw your videos where you were playing the piano in the gaps between work. Usually, do you also quite easily charm the staff around you?

A: Everyone says I flirt, actually I really don't. I'm usually composing music too, as long as I have time, I'll definitely be sitting in front of a piano or in the practice room. I've never ever felt that making music was a job, I really enjoy it.

Q: When writing songs, have you written about your own stories?

A: <Alone> was very directly observed, my own stories, maybe combined with the stories I hear from others, from chatting more. I feel that's good too, currently it is very trendy amongst many people, a loving relationship and so on. But actually sometimes, you really need someone to be with you, and not just the lonely wait every day, pacing between loving and not loving me (T/N: excerpt of lyrics from his song). It is the combination of some experiences.

Q: If we gave you a three-day holiday, what would you like to do most?

A: I want to make music solidly, then sleep. Because my schedule is very busy, so the time which I can use to make music is very scattered. If I have a three-day holiday, I will whole-heartedly invest it into creating music. Of course I'll sleep too, recently some fans asked me to be mindful of getting rest, if I'm sleepy I'll definitely sleep. Everyone has to be mindful of getting rest too, be mindful of your health ok.

Q: "Wolf-like" seems to be your attitude towards work, to the fans you are forever the warm "little lamb"?

A: Humans are all multi-dimensional, when it comes to the areas of work such as music and performance, I am indeed more serious, and quite stubborn, I have to do everything to the best I can, maybe most of the time I'll display my wolf-like side. But towards fans, I'll dote on them more. I am gentle but I’m not a little lamb. If we're talking about sheep, I'd be a mountain goat, protecting them forever.

Giving "Er Yue Hong"s acting 70 points

Q: Many people were brought to sorrowful tears by the scene of you hugging Ya Tou, what preparations did you make when filming that scene? Did you cry easily?

A: Before the shoot I repeatedly read the script, and went online to see what many of San Shu's readers and Er Ye's fans imagined Er Ye's story to look like. And I discussed with the director how to better present a strong man's most sorrowful side. Then I allowed myself to whole-heartedly immerse into the role of Er Yue Hong, because I have no acting tips or experience, so I can only try to become Er Yue Hong as best as I can, using my instincts and the most primitive emotions to reach this breaking point.

Q: Some fans bore with the pain and said that there should be a kiss scene or "bed scene", what do you think?

A: Ah? Is that so? How come I saw fans all saying they didn't want me to act in kiss scenes, haha? Actually acting in emotional scenes to me still has a level of difficulty, but to an actor, if kiss scenes or "bed scenes" are an unavoidable part in constructing the character, or builds the character, then one must use a professional attitude to complete it.

Q: How many marks would you give your acting skills in <The Mystic Nine>? Out of a 100.

A: 70-80 marks. On 7 October 2015, at my birthday party I said I gave my own acting 60 marks, so when it has come to 2016 and this question were asked again, I must have 70 or 80, otherwise I would have disappointed those fans. I don't know when I'll be able to raise it to 90, but 70-80 marks, I still think it's there.

Greatest mutual understanding when filming with Sun Hong Lei

Q: Your co-star from filming <Unexpected Love>, is similar to you in terms of age. Do you take care of each other?

A: I usually take care of her a little more. During breaks in filming she'll be cold and I'll just help cover her with a blanket, on White Day I wanted to eat snacks, she suddenly told me she wanted to eat chocolate too, so I went to the convenience store and bought her a box. It so happened that the store were giving away roses that day, so I took one for her. This isn't directed at anyone, but shouldn't you treat your friends well?

Q: Then currently, of the actors you've worked with, who do you have the best mutual understanding with?

A: This goes without saying, it's definitely Honglei-ge, our relationship is so good from filming <Go Fighting>. The filming of <The Mystic Nine>, I really have to thank Honglei-ge, he really carefully explained the analysis of Er Yue Hong’s character to me, how I should give this reaction. If this character was still portrayed well, really half the credit should be Honglei-ge's. If the character was not portrayed well, it was I who didn't learn it well.

Q: Everyone says that you respond to questions like a master of jokes, has your speaking ability always been so good?

A: I really don't dare accept the praise of my speaking ability, I'm still working hard to practice my standard mandarin, and hope that in the future I can do talk shows. When answering questions I really am just normally answering them, without specifically making jokes, maybe it's my thought process that is more unusual. But to be able to bring joy to everyone, I'm still quite happy (about that), haha.