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Your I.T. Guy @youritguy · Jan 6, 2020

Things to Keep in Mind Before Sending PC for Repair

No matter how efficient your computer is, but nothing in this world comes without a expiry date! A computer is also one of them. It is eventually going to break down one day. Having said that, if your computer breaks down…instead of trying to fix it all by yourself, it is in your best interest to take it a skilled computer technician.

Trust me, many times my computer has malfunctioned but thanks to the skilled experts for computer repairs in Melbourne, they always nurse my computer back to life.

But before you send your computer for repair, there are a certain set of things or I must say precautions that you must be keeping in mind. What are they? Let me tell you!

Login password, please?

Most computer technicians will ask you for your login password when they take your device for repairs. Now here’s the thing. Does he need to boot your laptop to the Windows desktop to make repairs? The chances are that he will not. In such cases, there is no need to give your password to him. If he wants to test the device, he can simply boot till your Windows login screen, and that should be good enough.

Clean the memory of the computer as much as possible

Clean up your computer and delete all the unwanted software and settings. The cleaner the memory of your computer, the easier it will be for the technician to function.

However, there is no need to format your operating system or antivirus. You can let it be!

Log out apps and browsers!

As far as Internet Explorer, Edge, Apps, and other browsers are concerned, log out of all your online accounts and delete the browsing history. If you can, you can backup your browser passwords, favorites, etc, in Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and then uninstall the browser completely. Use a privacy cleaner extension or tool for your browser if you wish to.

Keep a backup of your data!

If possible, store all the backup of your important files and data, before you hand over your computer to the computer technician. If you can’t, you can always ask the technicians to do the same.

PC repairs expert in Melbourne is always at your service and also keeps backup of your data before they start operating.

Once you have backed up all your files, pictures, and other data, and then use software to completely shred or erase the data files permanently. Shredding refers to a technique where the space on the hard disk is written with some random characters so that the data underneath becomes unrecoverable. As discussed above, there is certain software that can help you do this. The more passes you use for shredding, the more secure you are against data theft.

Last but not least; remove all the attached extra accessories of your computer or laptop.

So, these are some of the important things or say the precautions that you must keep in mind before handing over the computer to an expert because at the end of the day you are giving a stranger access to your computer which consists of your private data which you would want to protect!