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Llevaba algún tiempo sin tener pareja, quizás porque nadie llenaba mis espectativas, pretendientes los habia pero no me gustaba ni el fisico, ni el intelecto, ni la capacidad económica de quienes me pretendían.
Entonces pensé en que lugar podré conseguir un hombre que si me guste, que me mueva el piso, porque aca a la casa no llegará.
Entonces hice el intento de asistir a bares (los mejores) y nada.
Luego busque los bingos 5 estrellas de mi ciudad y resulta que los mismos habían sido clausurados,
Solo me quedo una opción; tratar de conseguir pareja por páginas de citas.
Realmente no me gustaban esas paginas, las veia como perdida de tiempo. Es que yo decía que no quería invertir mi tiempo conociendo y descartando personas. Sin embargo conseguí uno que si me agradaba, Nos encontramos y almorzamos juntos, nos gustamos pero en cuanto empezamos a platicar de cuando y como podimos vernos, le propuse vernos solo los fines de semana, puesto que los otros dias cada cual ocupaba su tiempo en el trabajo.
A lo que respondió: soy divorciado pero quiero mucho a mi hijos y los veo todos los fines de semana y no podré dejarlos para ir contigo.
Definitivamente a quién no podía dejar era a su esposa y como tampoco era el principe azul que yo esperaba me dije: no seré amante de este.
Así que lo descarte.
Por un tiempo no entre mas a la página, me di cuenta que los hombres allí no buscaban amor verddero sino puro sexo.
Meses despues volvi a entrar y alguien había solicitado mi Amistad, acepte pues su perfil encajaba con lo que yo buscaba, fisicamente me agradaba y supuestamente tenia negocios (enel pensaminto), Que perfil tan mentiroso.
El asunto es que decidimos encontrarnos en persona, no recuerdo cuantas veces nos vimos antes de tener relaciones sexuales.
Lo que si recuerdo es que nos tomamos unos tragos y mi sangre comenzo a herbir, le dije vamos a un motel.
Y asi fué nos fuimos del sitio bscando un motel, pero en pleno camino nos comenzamos a tocar y tuvimos que parquear. Yo llevaba un miniflda sin ropa interior debajo, comenzo a meterme los dedos y yo a besarlo apasionadamente, así estuvimos por unos minutos, estabamos ardiendo tanto él como yo, cuando ya no soporte más y quice penetración le baje el rache del pantalón, subi mi falda colocamos el asiento mas hacía detrás y alli me subí en él, me penetro y los movimintos de ambos totalmnte condinados duraron unos 10 minutos, nos corrimos.
Fue tal delicioso, el alcohol hace estragos en mi cabaza.
Por eso ahora no bebo con alguien con quien no quiera tener sexo, pues las copas son malas consejeras. A veces nos dicen: Anda cogeteo que no está tan feo, jajajaja.
Por un pequeño tiempo más seguiemos saliendo y allí lo conocí méjor y tampoco era lo que estaba buscando. Tuvimos sexo alocado pero nada mas y decidí terminar la relación.
El preguntó si no podia reconsiderarlo y le dije: NO.
Fue divertido pero solo por un ratito.
I had not had a partner for some time, perhaps because no one met my expectations, there were suitors but I did not like the physique, nor the intellect, nor the economic capacity of those who wanted me.
So I thought about where can I find a man that I like, who will move the floor for me, because he won't come home here.
So I tried to go to bars (the best ones) and nothing.
Then I looked for the 5-star bingos in my city and it turned out that they had been closed,
I only have one option left; try to get a partner through dating sites.
I really didn't like those pages, I saw them as a waste of time. It is that I said that I did not want to invest my time knowing and discarding people. However, I got one that I liked, we met and had lunch together, we liked each other but as soon as we started talking about when and how we could see each other, I suggested that we only see each other on weekends, since the other days we spent our time in the job.
To which he replied: I am divorced but I love my children very much and I see them every weekend and I will not be able to leave them to go with you.
Definitely who I couldn't leave was his wife and since he wasn't the prince charming that I expected, I told myself: I won't be his lover.
So I discarded it.
For a while I didn't enter the page anymore, I realized that the men there were not looking for true love but pure sex.
Months later I went back in and someone had requested my friendship, I accepted because his profile matched what I was looking for, physically I liked him and supposedly he had business (in your thoughts), what a lying profile.
The thing is, we decided to meet in person, I don't remember how many times we saw each other before we had sex.
What I do remember is that we had a few drinks and my blood began to boil, I told him let's go to a motel.
And so we left the site looking for a motel, but in the middle of the road we started touching each other and we had to park. I was wearing a miniflda with no underwear underneath, he began to put his fingers in me and I kissed him passionately, we stayed like that for a few minutes, he and I were on fire, when I couldn't take it anymore, I said i want penetration, I lowered the streak in his pants, raised my skirt we placed the seat further back and there I got on it, he penetrated me and the movements of both totally confined lasted about 10 minutes, we ran.
It was so delicious, the alcohol plays havoc with my head.
That's why now I don't drink with someone I don't want to have sex with, because drinks are bad advisers. Sometimes they tell us: Go grab it, it's not that ugly, hahahaha.
For a little while we kept going out and there I got to know him better and he wasn't what I was looking for either. We had crazy sex but nothing more and I decided to end the relationship.
He asked if he couldn't reconsider and I said: NO.
It was fun but only for a little while.
- Telegram and snapchat: angie32chacin
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- Hangouts: ingangelachacin@gmail.com / instagram: angiemodel32
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