
Circle Lenses vs Normal Color Contacts

circle lenses

The main difference between circle lenses and normal color lenses is undoubtedly the main difference from the appearance created when worn. However, there are many differences too like variations in styles, colors, availability, price and luxury.

circle lens

To begin with, the most apparent difference is circle lenses make eyes appear larger, while normal color contacts tend not to. An easy explanation of why this takes place is really because circle lenses possess a dark tinted ring regarding the area not in the iris, while typical color contacts don't. Any additional dark tint produces the aftereffect of a greater iris, thus making your eyes appear larger. Circle lenses are suitable for people that intend to make their eyes appear larger plus more colorful, while color contacts are suitable for those who only want a subtle color alteration of their eyes. There are many more designs customized for each eye type for circle contact lenses than there are for typical color contacts.

There are circle contacts that will make a person's eye glow, develop a subtle color change, make the eye look bolder, and even more. Normal color contacts however, usually only come in different variations of color blends. Circle lenses are generally soft lenses, while typical color contacts can be soft or hard type lenses. You will find pros and cons of using soft lenses over hard lenses. Soft lenses less complicated convenient (softer and much more flexible) because they mould to your eyes more easily. However, these are more fragile than hard lenses, therefore should be treated with additional care. Another difference between these varieties of lenses could be the usage periods. Circle contact lenses usually only feature a one year usage cycle, while normal color contacts come in daily, monthly and yearly usage cycles.

Price-wise, circle lenses are less costly than typical color contacts when compared with a day-to-day basis. Normal color contacts will definitely cost an well over $150 to purchase for extended-wear (yearly) lenses, while a circle contact is only going to cost in the selection of $30-$45 for the yearly lens. The final difference is within the use of these lenses. Normal color contacts are acquireable. It is easy to purchase normal color lenses both web in shops where you go. Circle disposable lenses however, are very difficult to acquire in United states. It really is difficult to get circle lenses available online from reputable sellers, and even more difficult to get them in stores. Should you be considering to acquire circle lenses online, make sure you are purchasing from authorized retailers of circle lenses as opposed to private sellers, as there are many fake low-quality circle lenses being imported from China.

Now that you have in mind the contrast between circle lenses and normal color lenses, you'll be able to determine which lens meets your needs. If you are only searching for a subtle eye color change, maybe you should get normal color lenses. However, if you want up your eyes to look bigger plus much more colorful, I would recommend you receive circle contacts.