
Why do we fall ill?

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Falgun Shah @falgunshah · Feb 28, 2022

Have you ever thought why do we fall ill? Health is one of the most critical and indispensable aspects of every individual’s life. Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. The health of an individual is affected by changing internal and external factors including personal, economic, environmental and social factors. Not being fit or healthy enough disables one from carrying out routine activities. 


Why do we fall ill?

  • We can fall ill if we reside in a surrounding which has polluted air, water or any harmful insects.
  • Lack of personal hygiene also causes several diseases.
  • Any individual’s economic condition can also be instrumental in determining the person’s well-being.
  • We could fall ill because of the compromises in our immune system.
  • Mental health always has an impact on physical health.


How to stay healthy?

It is essential to stay healthy because it helps one to carry out all the fundamental activities on a regular basis.

  • Eating proper healthy and right food helps in keeping one fit and aids in combating diseases.
  • The physical environment contributes to a person’s well-being in a greater way. Thus, it becomes very crucial to stay in a clean and healthy environment always.
  • Public cleanliness is an important thing for every individual. Proper treatment of sewage and garbage in our surroundings play a key role in disease prevention.
  • Being fit and happy has a huge impact on one’s development, both personally and professionally as well. Social equality and harmony are important to be healthy.



Disease is the departure from normal health through a structural or functional disorder of the body. Every disease has an origin for sure. But there are some diseases that are difficult even to diagnose due to the confusing symptoms. Several factors are responsible for causing diseases.

  • Intrinsic/Internal Factors: These are disease-causing factors which exist within the human body. Genetic disorders. Example: Haemophilia.
  • Extrinsic/External Factors: These are disease-causing factors which enter the human body from outside and cause a disease. Disease-causing microorganisms. Example: Malaria.
  • Levels of Immediate Causes:
    • First-level cause: Primary cause/causative agent: Bacteria, virus.
    • Second-level cause: Secondary cause: Lack of good nourishment.
    • Third-level cause: Tertiary cause: Poverty


Kinds of Diseases

  • Acute diseases: Symptoms are quickly visible in the body and last for a shorter duration. Examples: Common cold, malaria.
  • Chronic diseases: Long-term, with their symptoms lasting for months or years. Examples: Elephantiasis, tuberculosis.
  • Acquired diseases: Develop after birth.
  • Infectious diseases: Caused by infectious agents or pathogens. Examples: Tuberculosis, chickenpox, measles, COVID-19.
  • Non-infectious diseases: Do not spread from one person to another. Examples: Beriberi, scurvy, arthritis


Organ-specific and Tissue-specific Manifestations of Diseases

  • During infection, the immune system gets activated. It sends many soldier cells to the affected tissue to kill the microbes. This causes inflammation.
  • Inflammation is due to the escape of some chemicals which cause allergic reactions in our body. They attract blood supply because of which the amount of blood and the temperature of the surrounding area increase. The consequent swelling of the area is called oedema.
  • Plasma and white blood cells (WBCs) of the immune system of the body are discharged at the affected site. Plasma contains products such as antibodies and macrophages which kill or inhibit the growth of pathogens.


Treatment of Diseases

Reducing the Effect:

  • Medicines reduce the symptoms associated with the disease.
  • Taking rest helps to conserve our energy.

Killing the Cause

  • Pathogenic microbes can be killed by using medicines or antibiotics without affecting the metabolism of the host.
  • Antibiotics can be used to cure bacterial infections as these chemical compounds block the important biochemical pathways of bacteria.


Prevention of Diseases

  • Maintenance of personal and public hygiene
  • Availability of proper and sufficient food and water for everyone
  • Immunisation