
A Guide To Choosing The Perfect Wheelchair Threshold Ramp For You

Are you or your loved one having a tough time crossing over doorways or other rough surfaces? Well, here’s an easy way to fix this struggle. Go for a threshold ramp!


Read on to learn what actually is a wheelchair threshold ramp and how you can choose the right one for yourself.


What is a wheelchair threshold ramp?

A wheelchair threshold ramp is only a simple and safe way made to help wheelchairs cross over rough surfaces. They are made to provide a sturdy, slightly-inclined platform in order to make it easy to cross over various kinds of raised landings, doorways or curbs. They can be put to use in doorways, small steps or raised curbs.


Remember to always sure that your wheelchair threshold ramp meets the ADA requirements.


How to choose the best one for yourself

The very first thing you need to do is identify the area where the problem is. Do note that you will always needs a different type of ramp for a curb as compared to a doorway and therefore it is very important for you to take note of all the problem area where you will need a ramp.


The second thing you need to decide on is whether you need a permanent ramp or a portable one. If the ramp is going to be in the home of the disabled one, you should plan to get a permanent one. On the other hand, if you are planning to get the ramp only to make it easier for when your loved one is going to come over, you can choose to get a portable one which you can take out and put away anytime it is not necessary.


The last thing you need to consider is measuring the spot where you are going to put the ramp in to get the right size. Once you have all of this information, you can go ahead with finding the right ramp for your needs.


Here are some of the most common ones people choose:

  • Aluminium Threshold Ramp Plates- This one is most commonly chosen when the area you want to put it on rises 3 inches or less.
  • Rubber Threshold Ramps- This type of ramps is available in a variety of styles. They are considered to be very heavy duty and offer sturdy support. Make sure you also check the wheelchair threshold ramp rubber before purchasing it.
  • Bariatric Threshold Ramps- They are specially designed to hold up to 800 pounds in order to support heavier wheelchairs and/or wheelchair users.
  • Adjustable Ramp- This type is the perfect choice for single step rises of up to 9 inches in height and can easily be adjusted to the ideal height.