
What Is the Best Treatment for Gynecomastia?

"Man boobs" or “gynecomastia” refers to an aberrant enlargement of the breast tissue in males. It impacts around 65 percent of males. Although it may not disrupt one’s regular physiological processes, it can lead to long-term embarrassment. Furthermore, it undermines the inherent beauty of the masculine physique. Therefore, for a masculine body, locating the most effective gynecomastia treatment is essential.



Dr. Mrinalini Sharma is a renowned plastic surgeon for gynecomastia in Delhi at Aestiva Clinic. By taking insights from her, we are going to detail the best male reduction treatment. So let’s start with the understanding of male boobs and their causes.


Understanding of Gynecomastia


Gynecomastia is a physical condition of an abnormal male chest. Due to factors like age and hormonal imbalance, males start experiencing sagging and oversized breasts that look feminine.


Reasons of Gynecomastia


Breast tissue tissue growth is atypical and results in the development of enlargement. It may occur in either one or both breasts. The enlargement may resemble the appearance of female breasts.


Gynecomastia is more prevalent in older individuals; however, it can still manifest in neonates, adolescent boys, and adult males.


  • High levels of masculine estrogen

  • Insufficient testosterone levels

  •  Inadequate nutrition

  •  Liver impairment or renal failure

  •  Injury or tumors of the genitalia

  •  Irregular thyroid

  •  Liver ailment

  •  Irregular thyroid

  •  Hypogonadism is a condition

  •  Renal failure

  •  Excessive weight.


Signs and Symptoms of Gynecomastia


Inflammation and tenderness of the breast gland tissue in one or both breasts are among the symptoms. It could begin as a fatty tissue or mass around the nipples. The development of the lumps is typically unequal.

Consult a gynecomastia expert immediately if an individual experiences persistent pain, unusual enlargement, discharge from the nipple, or any combination of these symptoms.


Treatment Options for Gynecomastia


  1. Clothing

Listed below are some suggestions for concealing your gynecomastia.


  • Avoid tight-fitting shirts, compression shirts, and white tops.

  • Layered or thicker shirts with patterns should be worn.

  • Trousers with pinstripes should have minimal color contrast between the top and trousers.


2. Diet


By consuming a well-balanced diet, you can ensure that your body receives every nutrient it needs to produce testosterone at its highest level and reduce your body fat percentage.


Specific nutrients that play a critical role in the synthesis of testosterone are protein, zinc, and vitamin D. Salmon, oysters, and egg yolks are a few examples of foods that may increase testosterone levels.


Certain foods contain phytoestrogens, which are chemical compounds that mimic estrogen within the body.

Although further investigation is required to comprehensively comprehend the physiological impacts of these substances, reducing one's intake of foods that contain phytoestrogens could potentially enhance the ratio of testosterone to estrogen in the body. Licorice root, soy, and legumes are three common sources of phytoestrogen.


3. Exercise


It is not true that exercising only one area of the body will result in greater fat loss in that area compared to other areas.


For instance, performing push ups will not result in greater chest fat loss compared to performing squats, which expend an equivalent number of calories.


Increasing the amount of aerobic activity you perform can assist you in reducing your body fat percentage. The importance of exercise duration, intensity, and length outweighs that of exercise type.


Some possible suggestions include:


  • Vigorous strolling
  • Swimming, cycling, skating, and dancing
  • Rowing without.

Push Ups are an excellent, equipment-free pectoral exercise for developing muscle. Progressively increasing the number of repetitions, sets, or weights can be done to increase the difficulty.


4. Medication


Tamo-xifen is a pharmaceutical agent that inhibits the physiological function of estrogen, a female hormone. While predominantly prescribed for the treatment of breast cancer, it has been observed to alleviate symptoms of breast enlargement and pain in males.


In postmenopausal women, aromatase inhibitors are commonly prescribed to treat breast and ovarian cancer; however, they may also be utilized to prevent or manage gynecomastia.


In older males with insufficient testosterone levels, gynecomastia may be treated with testosterone replacement therapy.


5. Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery is a medical intervention employed to decrease the volume of breast tissue in an individual who is bijective. Male breast reduction is an alternative term for this operation, as well as reduction of mammoplasty. Individuals afflicted with gynecomastia (expanded male breast tissue) reap its benefits.


Best Gynecomastia Treatment


While talking about the best gynecomastia treatment, surgical male breast reduction wins the race. The procedure offers a variety of benefits over non-invasive methods.

Some of them are as follows:


  • Long-Lasting outcome

The surgical male reduction method offers a long outcome, which is almost impossible with other methods. This method removes stubborn fat tissue and stops their growth so the recurrence of male boobs gets reduced.


  • Time, Money, and Effort Saving

Non-invasive male breast reduction treatment requires adequate time and effort. But it is not with gynecomastia surgery. One after the procedure does not require any other efforts. However, post-operative care is recommended after surgical male boobs reduction.


  • Improve Self-esteem

Gynecomastia surgery provides mental peace and improves self-esteem. At the same time, it is tough with lifestyle changes and medications as well. There is always an opportunity for male boobs to come back with non-invasive medication and lifestyle changes.


  • No Downtime

There is no downtime with surgical male breast reduction. Scarring, swelling, and redness are short-term counter-effects of this treatment, which may go on with time, but with medication, one may experience other normal to severe side-effects like weight gain, restless hair fall, etc.


Nevertheless, consultation with a physician or a gynecomastia expert is advisable.



Gynecomastia is a physical deformity with a male’s chest. Sometimes, this enlarged shape and size resemble the female breasts, which is distressing for older teenage boys. One suffering from this condition can reverse it with lifestyle change. But to keep it permanent, gynecomastia surgery is the best. To know about the best gynecomastia surgery cost in Delhi, you are advised to visit the Aestiva Clinic and schedule an appointment with Dr. Mrinalini Sharma.