
What is the best hip replacement treatment available in Gurgaon

Hip replacement surgery is a widely common procedure in which prostheses are used to replace parts of the hip joint (implants).Hip replacement involves removing and replacing parts of your pelvis and femur (thighbone) that make up your hip joint. It is mainly used to relieve hip arthritis-related pain and stiffness.


This technique is also used to treat injuries including a fractured or incorrectly developing hip, as well as other conditions.If your hip pain is interfering with your everyday activities and nonsurgical therapies haven't improved or are no longer successful, hip replacement surgery may be an alternative for you. The most common cause for hip replacement is arthritis injury. The best hospital for hip replacement in Gurgaon is Neelkanth hospital.


What is the use of hip replacement surgery?

The following are some of the disorders that can damage the hip joint and necessitate hip replacement surgery:

  1. Osteoarthritis is a form of arthritis that affects the joints. Osteoarthritis, also known as wear-and-tear arthritis, affects the slick cartilage that protects the ends of bones and allows joints to move freely.
  2. Osteonecrosis is a condition that affects the bones. The bone may collapse and break if there isn't enough blood supply to the ball portion of the hip joint, which could happen as a result of a displacement or fracture.
  3. Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of arthritis that affects the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of inflammation caused by an autoimmune condition that erodes cartilage and, in some cases, underlying bone, resulting in weakened and deformed joints.



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If you have hip pain that is caused by one of the following factors, you may want to consider hip replacement from the best hospital for hip replacement in Gurgaon Neelkanth hospital because they are specialised in hip replacement surgery.

  • Despite pain relief, it persists.
  • Walking makes it worse, even with a stick or walker.
  • It has an effect on your ability to climb or descend stairs.
  • It's difficult to get dressed because of this.
  • It disrupts your sleep.

What are the risks of hip replacement surgery?

Any surgery has the potential for complications. The following are some examples of potential complications:


  • Bleeding
  • Blood clots in the legs or lungs are very common.
  • Infection
  • Nerve damage resulting in fatigue, numbness, or both
  • Revision or additional hip surgery may be needed.
  • Displacement

Depending on your personal health condition, you can face additional dangers. Before the surgery, talk to your doctor about any questions you have.


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Cost of hip replacement

The cost of hip replacement is influenced by a number of factors, including the hospital you choose and the severity of your treatment. Many hospitals provide very affodable hip replacement surgery, and Neelkanth Hospital is one of them. They provide the most advanced and economical treatment.

Hip replacement can cost between 50,000 to 1 lac, however this is an estimate.




Why is it recommended to go to Neelkanth hospital for hip replacement surgery?

  • At Neelkanth hospital Hip replacement surgery is treated by a team of doctors with expertise in bone and joint surgery (orthopaedic surgeons), as well as physical therapy.This would be extremely significant in operations to fix complex complications in deformed hip joints.
  • Any  hip replacement surgery performed at  Neelkanth hospital is documented in the Neelkanth hospital Total Joint Database. The registry assists  Neelkanth hospital doctors in determining the most appropriate surgical procedure and prosthesis method for patients. It has also resulted in many advancements in surgical procedures and prosthesis layout.
  • Hip replacement technologies are continually improving. Less complex treatments techniques are being developed by surgeons, and all these techniques can decrease recovery time and suffering.Neelkanth hospital the  best hospital for hip replacement in Gurgaon orthopaedic surgeons are experimenting with modern regional anaesthesia and pain management methods to reduce the need for general anaesthesia and injectable narcotic prescription painkillers while also speeding recovery.


They work with all insurance firms at Neelkanth Hospital and provide the most advanced and fast service. They also provide affordable care for the cost of hernia treatment in Gurgaon and other issues. You won't get a better cost of hernia treatment in Gurgaon than at Neelkanth Hospital.


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