
What is seo and why is it important for websites?


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimising web pages and their content to be easily discoverable by users searching for terms relevant to your website. The goal of search engine optimization is to improve your ranking on search engines such as Google and Bing, so that you appear at the top of the search results for related keywords.


SEO is important for websites and businesses

SEO is important for websites and businesses because it helps to improve your website's visibility. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving a website’s visibility in search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo! etc. 

Search engines use algorithms (a set of rules) to rank websites in their search results pages based on their perceived value and importance. If you want people to visit your site, then SEO can help you do that by increasing the number of times that your site appears on the first page when someone searches for a keyword or phrase related to what your business does or sells.

SEO also has other benefits such as improved user experience: if users find it difficult or time consuming to navigate through content on a page, they may move onto another site instead of continuing with yours. 

When done correctly (i.e. with well-written copy), SEO can help improve navigation within web pages so that users are able to find what they're looking for quickly and easily without getting lost along the way. 

Similarly, implementing good design principles into UX makes for an interface which not only looks great but also communicates clearly - both essential attributes when developing an effective digital strategy.

SEO is the process of optimising web pages and their content to be easily discoverable by users searching for terms relevant to your website. When a user searches for something, they want to find exactly what they're looking for. Search engines use something called “algorithms” that make sure that when you search on Google or Bing, the results are ranked in order from most relevant to least relevant based on what you searched for.

When you optimise your website's SEO, you're helping these algorithms understand what kind of information is on your site and where it can be found within the content of other pages (e.g., headers versus footers). This helps users find exactly what they're looking for when they come across your company's name or product offerings in search results!

SEO can be considered as a complete framework since the whole process has a number of rules or guidelines, a number of stages, and a set of controls. The stage by stage process ensures that your website is well optimised in all areas to meet the changing expectations of your target audience.

In order to understand how search engine optimization works you need to understand some basic principles and ideas behind it.