
What cable should I use for solar panels?

Copper and aluminum are the two major conductivity materials utilized in both residential and commercial solar installations. Solar wires must often be resistant to UV rays, extremely hot temperatures, and weather conditions.


Solar panels and other electrical parts of a photovoltaic system are connected via solar cables. National and local electrical codes, which govern electrical installations in a region, specify the kind of materials that must be used for wiring solar panel installations.



The cable could be solid or stranded; because stranded wires are made up of numerous little wires, they can bend more easily. Larger sizes are advised for this kind.


Due to the tendency of the current to flow along the exterior of the wire, stranded wires have a marginally higher conductivity than solid wires.

Tips to choose a TUV approved solar cable



There are numerous things to take into account when installing solar panels. The kind of cable that should be used to link the panels to the rest of the system is one of the most crucial considerations.


For your solar panel installation to be safe and effective, selecting the appropriate cable is essential. You can take help from tuv solar cable manufacturers. They can guide you perfectly.


In this blog post, we'll go over the many solar panel cable kinds that are out there as well as the things you should take into account when choosing the best cable for your solar installation.

Types of solar cables


Direct Current (DC) cables and Alternating Current (AC) cables are the two major types of cables used in solar panel installations.


Direct Current (DC)

The charge controller, battery bank, and solar panels are all connected by DC connections.


The low-voltage DC electricity produced by the solar panels is intended to be sent through the DC cable.


The DC cables normally come in diameters ranging from 12 AWG to 10/0 AWG and are constructed of copper. The size of your solar panel system and the distance between the panels and the battery bank or charge controller will determine the cable size you use.


Alternating Current (AC)

The main electrical panel or grid is connected to the inverter using AC connections.


The high-voltage AC electricity generated by the inverter is intended to be transported by the AC cable.


The AC cables normally come in diameters ranging from 14 AWG to 4/0 AWG and are constructed of copper. The size of your inverter and the distance between it and the main electrical panel or grid will determine the cable size that you use.


Things to consider while buying a solar panel and cable


Current rating

While choosing the best cable for your solar system, it's crucial to take the current rating of the cable into account.


The amount of current that a cable can carry before overheating is indicated by its current rating. The size of the cable and the material used to construct it determine the current rating of the cable. The maximum current that your solar panels or inverter can provide should be higher than the current rating of the cable you purchase.

Power Rating

Another crucial aspect to take into account when choosing the proper cable for your solar installation is the cable's voltage rating.


The maximum voltage that a cable can withstand without malfunctioning is indicated by its voltage rating.


The insulating material that was used to create the cable affects its voltage rating. The voltage rating of the cable you purchase should be higher than the highest possible voltage that your solar panels or inverter are capable of producing.


Cable Size

While choosing the best cable for your solar installation, length is still another crucial consideration.


The resistance of the cable increases with cable length. The more power is wasted owing to voltage drop, the higher the cable resistance. If the cable length is lengthy, you should select a cable with a bigger cross-sectional area.

Rating for Temperature

While choosing the proper cable for your solar system, it's crucial to take the cable's temperature rating into account.


The highest temperature that a cable can withstand without melting or degrading is indicated by its temperature rating. The insulating material that was utilized to create the cable affects its temperature rating. TUV approved solar cable has a high current carrying capacity.



While choosing the best cable for your solar system, another crucial aspect to take into account is the cable's durability.


It should be possible for the cable to endure exposure to sunlight, dampness, and very cold or very hot temperatures. You want to pick a cable that is resistant to fire, weather, and UV rays.



For your solar panel installation to be safe and effective, choosing the appropriate cable is crucial.

Current rating, voltage rating, cable length, temperature rating, and durability are things to think about while choosing the proper cable. You can make sure that your solar panel installation is secure, effective, and dependable by taking these considerations into account.

Znergy Cable is one of the best solar cable manufacturers in Australia. We manufacture electrical component, electrical cable, solar & renewable energy component for many Australian, European and American cable manufactures under an OEM agreement.