Myths are often thoughts that do not have a solid proof, but people still believe in them. There are so many myths that can be found on the air. Any topic that you speak about, you can find hundreds of o myths in that topic. One such topic that can be found with so many myths is about weight loss. With the modernization of society, bad food habits have influenced the weight loss programs in mind of any people. If you have any clarifications, it is better to consider taking advice from the best nutritionist in India rather than believing myths. Please keep scrolling to find few interesting myths.
You cannot draw a linear graph for weight loss.
The fact is that weight loss is not linear. This is because there are a few times when you gain weight even while doing your exercises. This increase in weight may not necessarily be due to calories, but it can also be due to muscle growth. So, please don't get frustrated with your exercise if you gain some weight in the middle.
Reduce intake and work more
One advice that many people give in order to make obese people fit is asking them to eat less and work more. But this is not going to make things better but has the possibility of making it worse. When someone works or does exercise, the person uses the fat that is stored in the body. By reduction of this fat, this person escapes obesity. But when this cycle continues, the person will not have any energy to survive. Regular exercise and healthy eating habits can help.
Carbs and fat
People also have this imaginary bond between carbs and fat. Many people think that eating carbs can increase the fat. But this is also a myth. This is because there is no proper scientific proof that fat has increased in a person by eating carbs. On the other hand, carbs can be considered as very healthy foods.
The breakfast controversy
There is also some myth that misguides people stating that people who eat breakfast weigh heavier. Yes, it is true, and it is the best eating practice. Skipping breakfast will cause damage to your health and does nowhere helps in reducing weight but only damages your health.
Packed diet foods
Next time when you see a packet that displays diet food, don't give it a second thought and never think of buying that product without consultation from doctors. This is because they are not helpful in most cases. Eating your veggies, fruits and greeneries are the best diet food one can opt for. If you have any clarifications, ask India's best nutritionist and break this chain of myths.