
Website Accessibility



ADA Web Accessibility And Compliance Solutions


We’re website accessibility experts. We have a solution for every website. A large part of a site becoming accessible and ADA-compliant depends on how content is uploaded to websites. While most standards have only one level of conformance, there are areas of a website that warrant greater levels of accessibility. The first step towards an ADA-compliant website is to conduct an accessibility audit of your website and then remediate it!


Our accessibility solutions mitigate legal risks while breaking barriers for people using assistive technology. Whether you need immediate results or choose a phased approach, our team is ready to help your online presence be more accessible to everyone!


How can a website be non-compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act?


The ADA prohibits any private businesses that provide goods or services to the public, referred to as “public accommodations,” from discriminating against those with disabilities. Federal courts have ruled that the ADA includes websites in the definition of public accommodation. As such, websites must offer auxiliary aids and services to low-vision, hearing-impaired, and physically disabled persons, in the same way a business facility must offer wheelchair ramps, braille signage, and sign language interpreters, among other forms of assistance!


What are the penalties for an ADA-non-compliant website?


Defendants in ADA lawsuits typically pay the plaintiff's legal fees, their own legal fees for defending the litigation, and potential additional costs. In all, the average cost can range from tens of thousands of dollars, to above six figures. There are also high intangible costs, such as added stress, time, and human capital, as well as reputational damage. Furthermore, if the remediation is incomplete, copycat suits and serial filers can follow, meaning double or triple the outlay. It's vital to implement a long-term strategy for ensuring your website is accessible and legally compliant!


Based on your needs and budget, our experts recommend the best approach for making your website, app, videos, and documents legally compliant. Contact us at ADA Site Compliance as your #1 source for ADA website accessibility compliance assistance today!