
Ways to Treat Osteoarthritis of the Hip


Of the many types of arthritis, hip osteoarthritis also happens to be one. Here are a few ways in which this condition can be treated thanks to pain management solutions Delhi has.

The reason why people experience pain in hip osteoarthritis is because the degenerative disease ends up erasing away the cartilage that helps cushion the joints. As a result of this, the joints end up rubbing against each other causing discomfort and pain. There are many solutions and treatment options that your physiotherapist would tell you about that could really end up helping one to a great extent. Here are a few ways in which it can be done.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy could very well be the biggest boon that one can indulge in when it comes to helping ease any pain related to hip osteoarthritis. However, and we are sure your therapist would also say the same, you must always remember to indulge only in low-impact physical workouts and therapies.

There are many options in this regard as well. You see, what low-impact physical therapy can help with is keep your hips flexible, allowing your hips move more smoothly, causing one less pain. Here are a few types of exercises that you can indulge in that can help you with that.


Hydrotherapy is one of the many methods that physiotherapists recommend to their patients in order to help them become more mobile and gain flexibility. Swimming or hydrotherapy is also one of the many ways that centers of post-operative rehabilitation Delhi has help patients get better and health faster.


Yoga has been known and used since ages to help heal and make a person more flexible. Even in this case it is no exception. So you should always consult your physiotherapist to help you understand what all yoga poses or exercises can help you feel better and heal faster.


It has been known and found as well that particular kind of stretches can actually help one decrease pain of hip osteoarthritis to a great extent and even help them heal faster. However, always make sure that when you are stretching, you are doing it gently and without any jerks. Remember to always stop if you end up feeling any kind of pain. Have a look at some of the best stretches that you can indulge in.

Knee Pull:

  • Start by lying on your back and slowly lift one leg up and bend the knee at a right angle.
  • Now, pull your bent knee up toward your chest till the time you are able to feel a stretch.
  • In order to take the exercise to another level, you can also use the support of your other leg to help stretch it even further.

The Cobra pose:

  • Begin by lying face-down on the floor and ensure that your palms are face down on the floor at shoulder or even chest height.
  • Now gently, lift your chest off the floor by pushing your palms into the ground.
  • You will now be able to feel the stretch in your lower back and hips. Try to hold this position at least 10 seconds.
  • Come back to the starting position and repeat a maximum of three times.

These are merely a few ways in which one can ease pain and treat osteoarthritis of the hips. However, always make sure that you consult your physiotherapist prior to taking any of these exercises up.