

Water Softener: The Way We Can Treat The Hard Water Problems

Water Softeners have gained a lot popularity in such a span of time, and still they keep  going on. They are treated as the best option for treatment of the water, which is full of several harmful contaminants and germs, which can cause  serious damage to us and our family. But,  the question here arises, why the demand of water softeners has  increased rapidly. The reason behind all of this, is the lack of availability of soft water which is suitable for operation of various household appliances, washing, cleaning and more importantly the water for drinking must be clean, clear and smell-less. Also clothes washed in hard water, they appear to be dingy and scratchy or harsh.

But this is almost impossible to fulfill the requirements of pure, clean and soft water, because the water that reaches  our homes through taps is already full of these harmful pollutants and bacteria which are very harmful for our body. That is why, to overcome the issue of lack of availability of quality and soft water, it is recommended to use water softeners. Quality Water Treatment Systems has proved their metal in the market by providing buyers the all helpful and necessary information about the water softeners which will help individuals to select the best water softeners that matches their needs and requirements. To find which water softener might fit our needs, we have to determine how much softened water our household needs daily and compare that with the output of all the equipment we are reviewing.


Water Softeners transform hard water into the so-called soft water. Reducing its mineral contents does the transformation. Hard water mainly contains calcium and magnesium metal, and sometimes bicarbonates, and sulfates. Soft water, on the other hand, is the type of water with none or little content of the mentioned minerals. With the use of soft water, clothes will be brighter, cleaner  and softer, and also the life of household appliances will be improved. Also, it reduces the use of cleaning detergents and shampoos. Softeners can reduce mineral build up in our pipes, faucet fixtures, shower-head and appliances. Some appliances that use water like the dish washer, coffee maker, water heater and clothes washer can have problems sooner than they should. A water softening system works by removing hard minerals in water. Sodium is often used to soften the water,  but  sometimes substituted with potassium.

Water softener uses an ion exchange process for converting the hard water into soft water. This process is used in decreasing the calcium, magnesium, and in some cases, manganese and ferrous iron dissolved in hard water. The fact is that a water softener is a system for transforming chemically hard water into a soft water. Softeners replace the calcium and magnesium contents in hard water with sodium. Sodium does not accumulate in pipes and also does not react with soap. This means hard water effects are eliminated.

The principle of the softener system is easy to understand. Hard water is allowed to enter the water softener. It contains a layer of plastic beads and in some instances, the material used is called Zeolite. The layer of materials inside the water softener is soaked with sodium ions. Sodium is exchanged with the contents of the hard water, calcium, and magnesium. When water comes out of the softener, the water is said to be of the soft water type. Here is the video, which will be very helpful in understanding about this whole water softening process.

Signs That We Need A Water Softener

  • Your laundry is stiff and dull, and the whites appear grayish.
  • Your skin is itchy or susceptible to rashes, and your hair is dry and flat.
  • Your appliances and plumbing fixtures have white limescale or calcium buildup. Porcelain is stained.
  • Your water pressure is low. Showers and sinks won’t flow steadily or fully.
  • Your sinks and toilets seem to clog easily and drain slowly.
  • Your dishes are foggy, have water spots and break more easily.
  • You purchased a hard water testing kit from a hardware store and got affirmative results.

There are several features and interesting facts which can be explored by visiting this link.

Benefits Of Having a Water Softener:

There are plenty of benefits of water softeners that you may not be aware of.  Here are some of the benefits:

  • With a water softener your silverware and glassware, are cleaner and shinier
  • Hair and skin feel softer, cleaner and smoother with water treated by a water softener.
  • Hard water treated with a water softener, greatly reduces housework by eliminating the formation of soap curd.
  • Hard water made soft through a water softener restores the rich lathering of your soaps and shampoos, thus reducing the usage and costs of these products by 75%.
  • One can return to natural chemical free healthy soaps and laundering agents.
  • Fabrics are also softer without hard minerals become trapped in them. Fabrics last longer and whites stay white without the dingy gray caused by hard water. Having your water softened by a water softener will provide softer, brighter clothes and will extend their life as well!
  • Soft water also preserves the life of all water using appliances such as coffee and ice makers, dishwashers, and clothing washers. A water heater protected by a water softening system will also reduce the yearly energy cost of that appliance by 22%-29%.
  • Having a water softener in the home reduces greenhouse gases equivalent to removing one SUV from the road for one year.


At the conclusion we can say that a water softener can help us to fulfill the need of clean, clear and soft water for our family. These softener systems help us in fighting the problems related to hard water. It is better to know the use and requirements before we consider to buy a water softener. Because, there is no need of owning a water softener which is not capable of handling the day to day need of our household requirements.