In search of ways to save at least a part of the family budget allocated for home decoration, asked yourself: can I do some work by yourself, without involving a hired house painter in Toronto.
To know each and everything about How to save money on wall painting tips by a house painter.
Preparatory stage
- Paint in sufficient quantity, you need to calculate the volume of material as correctly as possible, because if there is not enough paint and you buy more, then there may be a difference in shades during tinting, and an unpleasant surprise will come out. Click here to know: how to calculate the volume of paint required
- Primer for preliminary preparation of walls,
- A roller with a telescopic handle, the difference in price is negligible, but it will save you from exercising with a stepladder or stool,
- Several removable rollers of different widths, this is especially true if the walls have protrusions and complex geometry, they are often sold immediately in a set,
- A tray for paint and a grate for removing excess, these are necessary things, they will help to avoid unnecessary waste of material and drips on the walls, as well as splashes on all other surfaces,
- Spatulas of different widths to outline straight lines, if necessary,
- Masking tape to protect the ceiling or other structures,
- Cling film.
Which paint to choose for your type of room
The composition, properties, and characteristics of the paint directly depend on the room in which you will use it, and on your personal preferences. In hardware stores, the choice is huge, let's focus on the most popular options.
Water-based paint
As a rule, it is sold in white and can be easily tinted in any desired color and shade. The water emulsion has many advantages: a beautiful matte or glossy texture, easy to apply and dries quickly, environmentally friendly, does not smell, is vapor permeable, which allows you to maintain a healthy microclimate in the room, does not fade, is moisture resistant, washes and lasts for a long time - up to 10 years. Spills, hands, tools are easily washed off. Of the shortcomings - you can paint only at positive temperatures.
Water-dispersion paint
It has all the advantages of a water-based emulsion, and even more resistant to abrasion and washing.
Oil paint
It is very popular amongst house painters in Toronto, but now it is bought less often because of its pungent smell and the ability to exfoliate over time.
The consistency allows you to get by with one layer of application to achieve the desired result. If there are surpluses on the roller, noticeable and difficult to remove drips will form on the walls. Dries for a long time.
Enamel paint
It is appreciated for its high decorative effect due to its glossiness, it can be used on a variety of materials, and however, modern manufacturers also offer semi-matt enamels. Ideal for rooms with high humidity or requiring frequent cleaning.
Regardless of the choice of the paint itself, the process of applying it to the walls will be approximately the same. It is important to follow the sequence of all stages, and then you are guaranteed to get an excellent result.
Preparing walls for painting
Carefully inspect the entire area of the upcoming work for irregularities, scratches, and other blemishes from plasterers. Paint will help hide some of them, while others, on the contrary, will make it more noticeable. Much, of course, depends on the shade you choose - darker flaws are more noticeable.
If necessary, go over with sandpaper or a special tool for grouting the walls, do not worry that dust will remain on the surface; the primer will handle it perfectly. In no case can you skip this stage, the universal primer for interior work additionally evens the surface, reduces the porosity of the plaster, which reduces paint consumption, and at the same time increases the adhesion between the wall and the decorative layer.
Before starting work, it is worth closing the floor and ceiling if they already have a final finish. You can use plastic wrap, securing it with masking tape. If there are sockets and switches, they should also be removed and de-energized, or covered with foil.
LIFE HACK: use ordinary cling film in your work, cover the paint tray with it and simply remove it at the end of the work. The pallet will remain clean. A cover used brushes and rollers with plastic during breaks, they will not dry out.
Priming and painting are very similar. Pour 2/3 of the volume of the primer into the pallet. Lower the roller and roll it carefully. It should be completely hydrated, but there should be no excess either. To do this, you need to squeeze the roller, rolling it either on a special grid or simply along a special edge of the pallet. After that, we proceed to apply the primer to the walls. Although at this stage it is not so important, the main thing is not to allow "bald spots". In the corners, close to the floor and ceiling, it will not be possible to roll everything with a roller, so you need to use a brush of suitable width. At the end of the work, you need to wash the tools, they can be used further, we let the walls dry out for a day, if necessary, apply a second layer of primer.
By the way, for damp basements or bathrooms, it makes sense to buy a primer with special antifungal additives.
Paint the walls with a roller
Many are worried that they, and even with a roller, will never achieve the same evenness of staining as with professionals with a spray gun.
House painter will not say anything about colors and design; this is a matter of taste and style of the interior of your house. Let’s check out here: Best House Paint Colors Suggestion by House Painter
After the primer has completely dried, we repeat the entire sequence, only this time with paint. We start from corners and hard-to-reach places, painting over them with a brush wide enough so that later we will level with a roller. It is more convenient to paint with a brush, picking up paint from a small can, pouring a little into a free container from the main bucket.
We paint with a roller from the window, using maximum lighting, to see the quality of the work, it is better to avoid direct sunlight.
Pour the paint into the pallet, carefully saturate the roller with it, remove the excess, and begin to apply it to the wall. It is important to completely cover the surface with the first layer, so you can move the roller diagonally or horizontally.
With the second layer, paint only with vertical lines, so the surface of the wall is guaranteed to be uniform. Of course, let the first layer dry. When using thick, for example, oil paint, it is recommended to do three coats by the painter in Toronto.