
Reasons You Need A Volumetric Scanner

Previously, every business which sold products by volume, instead of weight were often encountered with questions regarding the accuracy of the volumes of the products they are supplying. The customers of such businesses often doubted their volumetric measurements and hence this made suppliers of different products difficult to hold their customers. 

Besides, measurement of a single product for a number of times also increases the expenses of the supplier and wastes a good amount of time. So the volumetric scanner was introduced to overcome such issues as it was the only technology that allowed the suppliers to accurately track inbound raw materials and outbound finished goods.

The 3D volumetric scanners are becoming the basic industrial requirements in sectors relying on shifting bulk material. These scanners store electronic images of each of the trucks and trailers and when they are loaded with materials, the voids are calculated providing the suppliers with a volume measurement in cubic yardage. This has been able to bring a revolution in the businesses which sell products by volumes. This also helps in gaining the trust of the customers of the business as they receive what they actually pay for.

Features or functions of a volumetric Scanner

These days the volume scanners are required by most of the industries of civil construction, mining and quarrying because they are able to provide highly accurate calculations and information rich reports and traceability. The traditional methods for the determination of haulage volumes included the steps like conversion from weight, counting of loader buckets or simply counting the number of trucks. These methods were mostly incapable of providing accurate results and were opened to various disputes.

On the other hand, the modern volumetric scanners systems can scan the load volume of a truck tray through an elevated scan head. When the truck passes through the area below the scan head, the laser scanners automatically start performing thousands of distance measurements per second in order to provide accurate data regarding the load volume.


Benefits to be gained from volumetric scanning technology

  • Optimizing truck loading by using 3D profiling: It is the objective of every mining company to ensure that their truck has been loaded at its optimal capacity. One of the most important benefits offered by the volumetric scanners is the use of 3D volume profiling that provides the opportunity to increase optimization of load. This ensures that the capacity of the trucks are fully utilized  while also checking safety and compliance factors like overloading as well as poor load configurations.

The 3D visual profile of a volumetric scanner is designed in such a way that it can provide the accurate volume measurement of the materials loaded on a truck each time which can also facilitate loader operators to load the accurate capacity.

  • Real time scanning and reporting of load data: The efficient as well as the modern software installed in the volumetric scanners is designed so that it can streamline the measuring system and also the filling process. When the truck passes under the area where the scanner is installed, the load of the truck is auto scanned by the scanner. The scanner also provides real time outputs to the industrial data network through a responsive multi threaded technology, with the accurate calculations of the parameters of critical production in less than 10 seconds.
  • Increase in profit by reducing costs: Using the load optimizing volumetric scanning systems can provide with real time reporting as well as accurate measurements and this optimizes time performance and reduces human resource cost. The simplicity of the scanners indicates that it requires minimal maintenance and even the untrained operators can be able to operate this scanner.

Other than these, the volumetric scanning systems are also easy to install with the requirement for any extensive site works. So, for smaller sites with no proper measurement system, the volumetric scanner can be operated for cost effective mobile units.

The volume scanners are also considered ideal for multi site operations to speed up the measurement process and ensure high level of accuracy along with real time data showing truck moments as well as the total number of loads being processed at various locations of the same company. 

