
Leading High Performance Teams by Wallace Associates

Task and People Skills for Middle Managers

Specially designed for those leading larger teams where understanding people and team synergy is key to business success

Uses the MBTI® to raise self-awareness and awareness of others

This 2-module programme enables middle managers to become highly effective team leaders. It uses a model for building high performance teams based on the following 5 areas of team development:

  • Interpersonal relationships – which build team synergy
  • Talented members – who feel confident and competent to contribute
  • Clear responsibilities – so that everyone knows what to do
  • Effective operating procedures – so time is used effectively
  • Reinforcement systems – so people feel good about high performance teams

Middle managers need to be confident about their leadership style. This means being aware of themselves and the natural gifts they bring to leadership. They also need to learn how to adapt their style for situational leadership. Participants will learn how to produce outcomes in these areas and use check lists to ensure that they take these skills back to their team in the workplace.

Leadership Competencies

  • Ethics
  • Communication
  • Planning
  • Delegation
  • Motivating teams
  • Performance management
  • Evaluating and learning from mistakes

Module 1 – Finding Your Leadership Style

Day 1 Awareness of Self and Others

  • People in Teams
  • Understanding Personality Types
  • Working with the Differences
  • Building Your Leadership Profile

Day 2 The Building Blocks of Leadership

  • Ethics and Trust
  • Communication in Action
  • Planning with Your Team
  • Motivating Your Team

Module 2 – Managing High Performance

Day 1 Performance Management

  • Performance and Goal Setting
  • Key Skills for Giving Performance Feedback
  • Dealing with Poor Performance
  • Keeping Performance on Track – Role Plays

Day 2 Stepping up to Leadership

  • Empowering People by Delegation
  • Leadership in Action
  • Assessing Your Leadership Skills
  • Managing Success and Failure

For more info, please visit Wallace Associates. It is a locally-owned career management and coaching firm, leveraging over 25 years of business expertise, to provide customized career transition / outplacement, executive coaching, and personal coaching services. Through our partnership with OI Global Partners, we can offer these services through over 200 locally-owned offices in more than 25 countries.