
Hey, i'm a BEAST diamond player with LEGENDARY LIFETIME coaching services for the price of only ONE SKIN. Interested?

If so, add RamenL. Or I may have already added you and linked this. Feel free to ask any questions.


Here is a demo of a text lesson, most my lessons are through voice communication, preferably using Skype (As it has the feature to share screen). I have been mentoring for a few years. I sometimes spectate, play with you, watch recordings of you that I created with you, explain things to you etc..

If allied top laner beats the foe top laner, that is one way where you can positively split push.

If allied top laner can get away from enemy top laner, that is one way where you can positively split push.

If allied top laner has tp and foe top laner doesn't, that is one way where you can positively push.

Obviously, if you're the opposite in the scenario you don't want to split push.

To split push, you need to make absolute sure you don't die while doing it or its not worth it, and you make the right choice whether to tp into a teamfight or continue split pushing.

So you have to watch map and make sure you see all 5 champs, or know where they are and how long it will take for them to get to you.

The goal is to get towers, get more AOE gold, teleport to drag and kill it, etc.. Basically gain an advantage.

Another reason would be if you can't win team battles, which is rare, I believe all team battles are winnable.

A good team will know when or when not to split push. You can also build a teamcomp & strategy around splitpushing. (Two Tps, TF, Shen, Lucian, Bard, Nidalee)