
Understanding Men: How to Understand Men Better

Over the years, women have had many experiences in trying to understand men. In your quest to understand men, you will discover that they usually have vague ideas on what they really want or need from a woman. They would say one thing and do another. They send mixed messages a...
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ritzo @ritzo · Aug 22, 2007

7abdf4ba4e3077fac4fc93f0ed2fdf78.jpgOver the years, women have had many experiences in trying to understand men. In your quest to understand men, you will discover that they usually have vague ideas on what they really want or need from a woman. They would say one thing and do another. They send mixed messages and often leaves you feeling confused and bewildered.

Perhaps if women were to start thinking like men, it would make this whole man and woman relationship a whole lot easier. So perhaps the next time your man does something that irritates you, try putting yourself in his shoes.

Women have a tendency to lament about problems because they want their problems to be acknowledged, while men complain about problems because they are asking for solutions. These are just a few concepts from the book Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. Obviously there are differences between a women and men's viewpoint and how they react under stress.

Rarely do men think about writing us sweet little love letters or cards or sending us flowers. When you get frustrated with your man about his lack of romanticism, remember that men do not always think like this. They may wonder why their sex lives are not too good. You see, they do not sweat the small stuff, including reminding you with cute little things just how much they love you. The reason for their apparent lack of attention through small gestures is that their idea of "romantic" is different than ours. Share with your guy that you would love to have flowers sent to you at work. Do not sweat it if he does not respond to you immediately.He probably has other things on his mind.

Does your man seem disinterested when you are trying to talk to him about something vital to you? Do you feel that you two have a problem and you wish to discuss about it? Does your man seem less than excited when you insist you both must talk about the issue right there and then? Men, more often than not, wish to keep their problems to themselves and think about them for a while. It does not mean your man is incapable of communicating with you, it just means that he would rather process the situation before saying anything. More often than not, a man will need to come up with something concrete to say or a specific solution to a problem, rather than just discussing several different options with you. Though women think about our problems out loud and wish to discuss or talk about every aspect of an issue, does not mean men have to do the same. When it comes to communicating, give your man some space. When he is ready to talk to you about an issue, permit him to approach you. Remind yourself that you are two different creatures and when it comes down to it, men and women have a very different style of communication.

Do not be offended when you do not get exactly the response you would expect or desire. Men are not easy to figure out.The next time you are upset with your guy, try to think about it the way he would. Simply to acknowledge that men think in different ways would lift off a heavy burden from your shoulders. The next time he reacts differently to what you would expect, do not sweat the small stuff. It doesn't mean that he didn't care. He just thinks differently than the way you do.

About the Author

Stephany Alexander is the founder of http://www.WomanSavers.com


Author: Stephany Alexander