
Seeking An Umrah Package? Know The Virtues of The Sunnah

Virtues of Umrah

Umrah is a special pilgrimage to Mecca that Muslims can perform at any time of the year. It holds many virtues and benefits, both spiritual and personal. These are the main virtues of Umrah:

1. Guest of Allah (SWT)

Allah (SWT) welcomes with open arms those who travel to Mecca with sincere intentions, spending both time and financial resources on serving Him. He treats you as a guest visiting His house - the Holy Kaaba. It resets the souls with positivity and prosperity. From the moment you step inside the Masjid Al-Haram, you’ll feel calm, peace, and spiritual cleanliness. You leave with blessings from the Almighty.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “The guests of Allah are three: The Ghazi (i.e. the warrior who fights in Jihad), the Hajj (i.e. the pilgrim who performs Hajj), and the Mu’tamir (i.e. the pilgrim performing Umrah).” - [Sunan an-Nasa'i 2625]

2. Erasing Past Mistakes 

Everyone makes mistakes. Umrah is a chance to purify your soul and body from past sins. It's like a spiritual fresh start. After completing Umrah, your soul will be as pure as a newborn baby. Almighty promises to reward you, forgive your sins, and grant you a place in Jannat (paradise). Don’t let past mistakes hold you back; start fresh with Umrah. 

3. Eliminating Poverty 

Umrah is a powerful act of devotion and a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It can bring both spiritual and worldly blessings. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that for those who perform the pilgrimages of Hajj and Umrah, Allah (SWT) removes their poverty and sins. As you dedicate your time and money to please the Almighty, He blesses you with wealth and increases your sustenance. So, if you are booking your Umrah package from Kolkata for this holy journey, know that your hard-earned money will pay you back with satisfaction and Almighty’s blessings.

4. Deepens Devotion to Allah SWT 

Life can be hectic, and it's easy to let your faith slip. Umrah helps you get back on track. This pilgrimage is like a reset button for your faith. Going with pure intentions will leave you feeling more connected to Allah (SWT) at every step.

5. Merit Comparable to Jihad 

Jihad means to strive and struggle for the. It's the ultimate act of devotion in Islam. In today’s world, there are few opportunities for such struggles. The reward for completing the Umrah commitment will be equal to that of Jihad. 

6. Rewards During Ramadan 

Doing Umrah during Ramadan is almost as rewarding as performing Hajj, though it doesn’t replace the duty of Hajj. It's an added bonus that can boost your Ramadan. So, you can book your full Ramadan Umrah package to perform the Sunnah. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in one of His Hadiths said that Umrah during Ramadan is equivalent to Hajj in reward. So, consider doing Umrah during Ramadan to maximize your blessings.

These virtues highlight the spiritual and worldly benefits of performing Umrah. It's a journey that brings immense rewards, purifies the soul, and strengthens your connection with Allah (SWT).


How Will You Know That Your Umrah Is Accepted?

Knowing if your Umrah is accepted by Allah (SWT) is a common concern for many pilgrims. Focus on your rituals and give the best to your devotion. If you are performing the Umrah from India, know that these signs may indicate your Umrah has been accepted - 

  1. Feeling of Inner Peace: After performing Umrah, you may feel a deep sense of peace and contentment. This inner calm can be a sign that your pilgrimage was accepted.

  2. Positive Changes in Behavior: If you notice positive changes in your behavior, like increased patience, kindness, and a stronger commitment to your faith, it may indicate that your Umrah was accepted.

  3. Increased Devotion: An accepted Umrah leads to increased devotion and a stronger desire to perform good deeds and follow Islamic teachings more closely.

  4. Remembrance of the Experience: Feeling a constant pull to remember and cherish your Umrah experience can be a sign that it was accepted. This longing to relive the spiritual journey can indicate its acceptance.

  5. Improved Relationships: An accepted Umrah might reflect in your relationships with others. You may find yourself more forgiving, understanding, and loving towards family and friends.

Remember, these are just signs. Only Allah (SWT) knows for sure if your Umrah is accepted. So, without any second thought, book your Umrah package from India and keep praying and maintaining your good deeds, and trust that the Creator is the most merciful.



Understanding the virtues of the Sunnah in performing Umrah enhances the spiritual experience. By following the Prophet’s (PBUH) teachings, you can maximize the blessings and rewards of your pilgrimage. Choose the right Umrah package to experience a smooth and fulfilling journey, drawing closer to Allah (SWT) and strengthening your faith.
