
You might almost feel sorry for Alex Salmond, if he wasn't an arrogant, 6-pensioned, Putin admiring, tax-dodging prick who made himself rich in office while charging lobsters, 5 star hotels and tartan trousers to the tax payer...

He thought he would be the first president of an independent Scotland... Scottish voters told him No.

Then he thought he would be playing king-maker to Ed Milliband in London "writing Labour's budget"... That didn't happen.

With, now, 12.5% of SNP MPs grabbing headlines for all the wrong reasons he can't even keep in the limelight there...

It's only been a matter of time before he started to become a thorn in the side of the Sturgeonistas at Holyrood... News is he's now not getting some calls returned or meetings agreed with his own party... After his axis of evil tour last year he tried to launch a special relationship with Iran... The Scottish Government have refused and he has been reminded "he has no official role in either the UK or Scottish Government" (ouch! :-D)

Now... LMFAO... The Norwegian foreign minister has cracked and told him to stop telling people an independent Scotland would be like Norway, because it wouldn't, and (suprise suprise) many of the claims he made about Norway during the referendum were outright lies.

He is, as a friend said the other day, "Yesterday's man, singing Yesterday's song"