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@anonymous · Mar 23, 2020

Know About Ways to Help People Suffering From Incontinence


You can help your elders in fighting with incontinence by learning about it. The incontinence is leaking of urine uncontrollably caused due to weak bladder. With the help of exercises for weak bladder, and diapers, incontinence becomes easier to manage and control.


When a woman becomes pregnant, she feels the urge to pee often. It is due to pressure on bladder caused due to growing belly. In old age, the cause may be different, such as, weak bladder and loose pelvic muscles. Men also face the problem of inability to hold urine or that of dribbling because of enlarged prostate gland and weakened bladder.


Types of incontinence

Incontinence can be caused in older age due to stress or anxiety, weak bladder, prostate problems, dementia, etc. The common types are – stress, functional, overflow, urge.

Stress incontinence occurs when the body produces response to any traumatic situation and the person feels anxiety, sadness or anger. Stress incontinence is sum total of psychological suffering and weakness of bladder muscles.

With old age comes the problems such as inability to move or move fast, think wise, reduced strength of body muscles, etc. These inabilities are functions related and so incontinence caused due to these is called functional incontinence.

Overflow incontinence is the situation that arises when the bladder is not empty completely. The urine starts leaking again even after using the washroom in the form of drops. This may pose threat to hygiene of the person and can cause infections too. Adult diaper pantsare the ideal product for managing this situation.

Urge continence is caused due to poor flow of urine. Men suffer from urge continence in the conditions like partial blockage in urethral opening, urinary tract infections, weak bladder and pelvic floor.

Ways to fight incontinence

For urge continence, there are medicines, which are aimed at improving the holding capacity of the bladder. There are a few trusted ways that can help in controlling incontinence.

Exercises for a weak bladder

Incontinence pants can be helpful for seniors who are not much dependent on others for doing daily activities. Apart from using self-absorbent pants, there are certain exercises that can help, such as:

  1. Bridge: Lie down on back and fold the knees. Place hands beside the legs. Squeeze in buttocks and raise them above the floor. Hold this position for few seconds. Lower the body to the floor and relax. It strengthens spine, pelvic floor and improves nerve control.
  2. Squats: Stand and separate the feet inches apart. Raise your hands and hold them together in front of you. Now lower the buttock portion till the lower and upper leg form 90o angle at the knee. Hold it for few seconds and stand back to normal.
  3. Kegel’s: This exercise can be done by people with limited mobility too. Visualize the muscles that hold the urine. Breath out while squeezing these muscles as inward as possible for 10 seconds and release while breathing in.
  4. Squeeze and release: Visualize the pelvic floor muscles, squeeze them and release frequently for 3-5 seconds and repeat it 10-15 times.

All these exercises should be done regularly especially when you have reached your forties.

  1. Medicines for urge continence

There are certain muscle strengthening medicines that help in improving the ability of the bladder to hold urine. These medicines can be given to the people who have suffered this issue due to some injury or medical condition but under strict medical supervision. Adult diaper pants can be used to be doubly sure even when you are on medicines.

  1. Use of diaper for senior citizens

Search for the diaper for senior citizens according to their mobility level. The material should be skin-friendly. It should be easy to wear and take off. The best adult diapers are available in both pants and tape style.