
Twitter Is An Integral Part Of Successful Social Media Marketing Today

when I started blogging about marketing on Twitter. Unfortunately most Internet marketers are missing the boat on it. Twitter Marketing help to increase traffic .

when I started blogging about marketing on Twitter. Unfortunately most Internet marketers are missing the boat on it. Twitter Marketing help to increase traffic .


when I started blogging about marketing on Twitter. Unfortunately most Internet marketers are missing the boat on it, but niche marketers are seeing better and better results on it all the time!

WHy the difference in results? Most Internet marketing on Twitter consists of marketers using automated posting, only following those who will follow back, consistently sending links to sales pages only and ignoring those following them.

By contrast, most niche marketers actively use Twitter to communicate with their target audience. And by that I mean really communicate – they talk to them about what’s going on in the niche, about what that person has tweeted, etc. And rather than just posting links to salespages, they link to anything that may interest their Twitter followers – articles, website, photos, news items – just like real friends would. In simple terms, they have kept the ‘social’ in ‘social media’.

How are niche marketers making money using Twitter?

So how are those in the niches making money on Twitter? Relationship marketing is a big part of it – after all, don’t YOU respond best to a friend, including ‘online friends’? If someone has tweeted back and forth with you a few times, added you into their #FF (#FollowFriday) posts, tried to answer or sent you to answers when you have questions, aren’t you more likely to follow links they suggest?

Secondly, they use social media marketing the right way – they write informative blog posts that answer questions or address concerns their target market have, all while writing that post to be an effective pre-selling tool to warm up the prospect before directing them through to a salespage. Then it’s THAT BLOG POST they link to in their tweets.

And guess what? That way both the tweeter and their followers benefit. If the post truly is informative and helpful, the readers (prospects) benefit from the information whether they click through to buy the recommended product or service or not. And those who do click through and buy are in a better frame of mind to trust the tweeter (marketer) and pick up the recommended product.

What about the prospects who don’t click through to the salespage? If your post was helpful, they’ll probably read through other posts where they may or may not take action, may sign up for your e-zine or just simply bookmark your website or subscribe to your RSS feed.

How Does Twitter Fit In With Other Social Media Sites?

There are three major ways Twitter fits into your Social Media Marketing Mix.
First, social media sites like Facebook & LinkedIn let you display your tweets right on your page there, giving tweets a much wider range. When I first wrote & released Advanced Marketing On Twitter the other social media sites were still getting a foothold – but now I have a combined audience of thousands of followers on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, etc, to go along with those following my various Twitter accounts. But far from rendering Twitter less effective or less relevant, the rise of social media marketing has made Twitter even more important to professional online marketers and to those promoting offline businesses online.

Secondly, the major search engines index your tweets, and the more responsive your account seems to be, the better results you’ll see for that indexing. Especially in the niches, it’s not unusual to see a Twitter posting showing up on the first, second or third page of search results – exactly where you want your links to be! And when your tweets show up on other pages in the results, like those from social media sites, you’ve provided another indirect route from the search engines to the links you tweet.

The third way Twitter’s interaction with social media sites helps your online marketing efforts is through links back and forth between the two. For example, you pin a photo from your blog to Pinterest, and click the links to tweet that photo and Facebook it. Now Twitter & Facebook both link to your photo on your Pinterest board, and the photo links back to your blog. Can you say backlinks? How about residual traffic? Nice to get both, eh?

Another example is Klout. Klout ranks the importance of Twitter accounts, and the niches or topics they see that account mattering to. As art of their free service you can vote for those who influence you the most, and say what topics they influence you on. So to have someone at the top of your niche on Twitter notice you, you simply give them a vote for their relevant topic, then automatically tweet out that you gave them +K. Since their @ name is shown in the tweet, they’ll see the tweet in their timeline and know that you voted them up in importance in their field. Can you think of a better way to introduce yourself to the movers & shakers in your target market?