How To Invest In Climate Change Solutions
Climate change is one of the most urgent challenges facing humanity and the planet. Many people want to do something to help, but they may not know how to start or where to put their money!
One way to invest in climate change solutions is through dividends for the planet. Dividends are payments that companies make to their shareholders on a regular basis, usually from their profits. Some companies are committed to reducing their carbon footprint, supporting renewable energy, or developing innovative technologies that can help mitigate or adapt to climate change. These companies may offer dividends for the planet, meaning that they share some of their profits with their investors who are also supporting their environmental goals!
For example, Dyme is a new app that allows users to turn their purchases into an investment in climate change. Users can link their debit or credit cards to the app and choose from a list of partner brands that offer dividends for the planet. Every time they shop with these brands, they earn cash back that goes into a portfolio of green stocks and ETFs (exchange-traded funds) that invest in clean energy, sustainable agriculture, or other climate solutions!
Another way to invest in dividends for the planet is by looking for companies that have a high dividend yield and a low carbon intensity. The dividend yield is the ratio of annual dividend payments per share divided by the current share price. Carbon intensity is the amount of greenhouse gas emissions per unit of revenue or output. A high dividend yield and a low carbon intensity indicate that a company is profitable and efficient in its use of resources. Some examples of such companies are NextEra Energy (NEE), Enel (ENLAY), and Brookfield Renewable Partners (BEP)!
A third way to invest in dividends for the planet is by supporting policies that put a price on carbon emissions and return the revenue to citizens as dividends. This approach is known as carbon dividends or carbon fee and dividend. It creates an incentive for businesses and consumers to reduce their emissions while protecting low- and middle-income households from higher energy costs. According to some studies, carbon dividends could reduce US emissions by 50% by 2035 while increasing GDP and creating millions of jobs!
Dividends for the planet are not only good for the environment but also for your wallet. By investing in companies or policies that offer dividends for the planet, you can earn passive income while making a positive impact on climate change. For daily updates follow twitter dyme earth!