
Think You’re a Road Warrior?


Truck drivers wanted! That is what the Bureau of Labor reports. This high-growth field is projected to demand new workers at least through 2014. If you have considered joining the ranks of professional truck drivers, you should know a few things.


Minimum requirements

18-year-olds qualify in some states to drive commercially within the state’s border. For interstate driving, you must be 21 years old. All drivers must have a state commercial driver’s license (CDL) and must pass a road test. You must be able to read and speak English. Some companies have additional requirements.


Additional considerations

In addition to the basic requirements of the job, there are other things to consider. Before joining the ranks of the road warriors, you should think about the following:

*Do you have great physical stamina? Long hours take a toll yet you must remain constantly alert and ready to react.

*Are you in good physical health? Not only must drivers pass a DOT physical each year, but they must also be in overall good health. They must have 20/40 vision and good hearing.

*Do you have an easy-going disposition? Being in traffic and coping with other drivers calls for a long-fuse.

*Do you adapt easily to new locations and routines? While a certain amount of routine may develop over time, long-distance trucking can be an unpredictable life.

*Do you have good mechanical and technology skills? Drivers do not have to do major repairs, but a basic knowledge of mechanics is crucial. A certain familiarity with computers is necessary as well.

*Are you free of commitments that require you to be available at specific times? Trucking is seldom an 8-5 job with weekends free. Long-haul drivers may be away from home for a week or more. Local drivers may have erratic schedules though they are usually home at some point each day.

If you answer yes to all the above, then consider truck driving for a solid, secure future. The demand is high and growing.


Earnings and benefits

Employment with one of the top trucking companies provides great health and retirement benefits, 3-7 weeks paid vacation (according to years of employment), and top pay with some veteran drivers making $100K annually. Keep in mind these companies hire only the best, so a clean driving record and health history are essential.


Training and background

Ready to get started? You need a high school diploma and you must pass a test driving the type of vehicle the job requires. If you have experience with farm trucks or other tractor-trailer equipment, you may qualify.


If you do not have experience, a six-week truck-driving course can qualify you. The Employment and Training Administration made federal money available to community colleges to help train workers for this high-growth field.

For carriers: Contact us today for more information on how to move our loads.


United States Department of Labor