



Crypto currencies are a well planned Trojan Horse. Few people have the skill set to look at the LONG RANGE PLANNING (50 to 100 years) which international banking plans have ALWAYS been coordinated. The money changers have been around 2000 years.

The value of anything is simply based upon the agreement of the two parties establishing a price.


The value of “money” is no different.  “Money” is something of value which can be traded for something else of value. Salt was once the currency [medium of exchange] of choice. It improved the taste of food, and could preserve meats, it has intrinsic value which produced tangible benefits and was easy to trade since the properties of salt were well known.


At one point Tulip bulbs were considered as money and tulip mania swept Europe.


Until people agreed that they were worth basically the same as an onion bulb.


Understand that banking cabals have moved actual valuable commodities (gold and silver) into paper certificates for exchange, originally meant they REPRESENT the same value. But gold is hard to mine, and paper is easy to print.  Soon the value is not the same despite the REPRESENTATIONS.


The whole premise of outsourcing banking to the Federal Reserve was based upon the presumption that you can’t trust the government with money. JFC, you can’t trust bankers with money, so what was the point? Bankers are actually WORSE than governments because they are not elected. And if you have MONEY (or the illusion of it) bankers can have the best government that money can buy. Once they got the government they wanted, bankers negotiated a FEE for creating the money and negotiated INTEREST for loaning back the assets of the United States to the United States citizens.


That is akin to hiring a consultant to tell you what time is it, and they steal your watch.


Primer on the banking system:

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The dollar has reached the end of its monetary value as a global measure of wealth since countries that we haven’t bombed into submission are requiring either commodities as payment or the gold backed Yuan and will not accept dollars. (

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) Digital currencies are the intended replacement for the dollar as the system continues its controlled demolition so as not to spook the natives into rioting.


Moving to a digital currency makes the same game infinitely easier. Bitcoins hold NO INTRINSIC value in the physical world. If Bitcoin and the likes of them were not sponsored by TPTW, States would not be considering accepting them for tax payments. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/2015/03/06/paying-your-taxes-in-bitcoin-bill-would-make-it-easy/#dcc676448a7a


Major cities (hubs for the cabal) are embracing it to gain acceptance into the mainstream population. http://www.investopedia.com/articles/forex/011216/top-5-us-cities-accept-bitcoin.asp


It would not surprise me to find crypto skunk works which have been in place tested and perfected for the last 10 years to monitor all computer transmissions. Clearly they have told the people that they are monitoring all traffic for “terrorist” activity. I suspect any currency which represents a challenge to the banking cabal would strike terror in them. Military strength encryption is good enough for 99% of all users, but the real thieves are  the 1% who control the “money”, military and supercomputers.


And while crypto's are being marketed as being "unhackable", that is poppycock. Sure, unhackable by 99% of the computers available to the sheeple, but the controllers have DWave computers that make the generally available technology look like an abacus.


Banking cabals have just “gone green”, as mining is dirty hard work, and printing requires resources like paper, cotton, and ink. Only approximately 3% of the “money” in circulation is actually paper. We have moved to a proxy digital currency via credit cards and electronic checks.  Banking interests have long range plans which are implemented by steady determined encroachment programs. Each encroachment is usually an annoyance, but nothing that will get you to storm the streets. Once that is accepted, another encroachment is introduced. Look at it like moving the fence on to your neighbors property one foot further every six months under cover of darkness.



If people do not oppose this, it is just like moving the fence post in the middle of the night.


A Bill has recently been introduced to control and tax the use of digital currency.  https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/1241/text


Digital currencies are not “minted” by any government, there is no reason to pay any tax for its creation. People have just been conditioned to being taxed and getting no value for it, so most won’t object. And since it can easily cross the fictional country borders, it represents the first truly GLOBAL banking system. No more messy regime changes. This is the banking cabal’s wet dream, a currency with no intrinsic value controlled by computers which ultimately they control.


The other way that crypto's are being controlled by hidden hands is once again BY PROXY.  Crypto's are being traded on the (controlled) mainstream exchanges. If the controllers of the exchange wants to manipulate the price of a crypto, they merely create the illusion on the exchange that a certain crypto is going up or down. The illusion of a tether will convince naive holders of the crypto to buy or sell which magnifies the illusion since it actually is based upon the FAITH of the crypto. The markets are rigged and they have openly admitted it. http://www.trueactivist.com/former-new-york-stock-exchange-head-says-that-the-stock-market-is-rigged/



"Let us CONTROL the money of a nation, and we care not who makes its laws" was said to be a "maxim" of the House of Rothschilds, or, even more vaguely, of the "money lenders of the Old World".


Some things never change. And the people keep falling for it.


How can the cabal coerce people into accepting a central control point on a “decentralized” medium?



One major “Equifax like” hack, “AI blockchain virus”,  or an “unforeseen” EMP blast…. (It is within the realm of possibilities that BTC has a hidden back door as well)



…will have the public users of digital currency begging for a “government issued” digital currency, and if they don’t beg, it will be served up on a silver platter after 10 days of pretend contentious debate on CNN or in Congress.   I’d bet 100 bitcoins that the Government crypto program has been sitting on the shelf gathering dust for years right next to a shrink wrapped version of Windows XP.


Plan B:

Use the controlled proxy exchanges to manipulate a crypto down, while touting a “government backed” crypto as the savior.  It is encroachment. First get people to adopt cryptos, then tell them which one they should have.


And those scenarios are just off the top of my head, what could we come up with if we spent 50 years thinking and planning?



Legalizing the crime of banking:




 And no one thinks this is by design? Wasn't it Rothschild or Theodor Herzl  who said "We will lead every revolution against us?" The "banking" system has been running this planet for over 2000 years, and yet people seem to think "this time its different"? The pattern is quite obvious and follows the shopworn Hegelian method, Problem, Reaction, Solution. Controlled demolition of the dollar, seed a substitute (making the people think it is their idea) water the seed with quick profits for early adopters, allow it to be accepted by government(s), gain widespread acceptance by the population, fabricate a reason to control it, and it is exactly like the method used to "control" gold.


Except Gold actually has intrinsic value. Bitcoin has NO INTRINSIC value – Eureka!


All that is needed is a few contrived headlines where a bitcoin loaded LaCie Rugged Raid Drive (featured in the controlled Alt Media on Richard Blackwells Best Dressed Terrorist items -ostensibly with the tag line "Don't be caught dead without it") along with a pristine fake passport lying among the carnage and voila you will see "Suicide Bomber financed by Bitcoin" headlines with a fair degree of regularity. This will cause the "government" to crack down and use their massive surveillance capabilities (already in place -tested and perfected) to CONTROL the flow of digital currency. It doesn't matter if BTC is created by the people - fiat currency is also "created by the people", it only matters if they CONTROL the currency.

When you have a plan that works, stick with it.


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One hour four minutes –Bitcoin.


"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on." --- George W. Bush



If Bitcoin is gaining acceptance for paying taxes at state levels, it is because TPTW are for it.



https://www.kpmg-institutes.com/institutes/taxwatch/events/2015/02/twist-020215/twist-020215-nh.html New Hampshire: Proposed Bill Would Purportedly Allow Taxpayer to Pay Taxes with Bitcoin


In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. -Franklin D. Roosevelt


A casual study of history may prove beneficial so we don’t repeat it.



Metaphorically a "Trojan Horse" has come to mean any trick or stratagem that causes a target to invite a foe into a securely protected bastion or place. A malicious computer program which tricks users into willingly running it is also called a "Trojan horse".


If we have learned nothing about the banking system we should have learned that when we deal with bankers we need a pack of Trojans, so I understand the need to have an alternative, just saying “be careful what you wish for”. 


Recognize there is a global agenda to go digital / AI,  and crypto’s are only one tasty breadcrumb they are laying down.


Nothing happens by chance. That is why TPTW call this their PLAN IT.


A “secret / anonymous” Bitcoin banking system is not much different than the Federal Reserve.   However, Bitcoin makes it virtually impossible to trace the source right?  

Right now, we can theoretically trace Federal Reserve payments. No one has even tried to force the private trust to disclose details, but it is possible to get the data, either by subpoena or water boarding. With crypto’s, you could not point the finger of deceit to governments like we can now. If it is good for your privacy, it is good for theirs.


Let’s list the number of people / agencies that have Cray supercomputers or better which theoretically could (once again) create “BTC /money” out of thin air (counterfeit) and be totally unaccountable for the endeavor.


Same guys. For example:

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 A 12 minute overview on banking and confirmation that digital currency is their holy grail.

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Use your discretion…. There is money to be made and lost in the crypto space, just don’t let the fence post get moved.


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By their own follies they perished, the fools.
