

Plan a Trip to Dubai This New Year to Witness Dazzling Light Show

Festivity is in the air. You can also sense the chillness of winter in the breeze. It is the perfect time to pack your bags and clear your visa doubts by Emirates Visa Consultant in Delhi. This year is going to end. And no matter how stressful the year was, everyone looks up to New Year Eve’s celebration. If you want to leave the monotonous life and enjoy New Year grandly, then there is no place better than Dubai. Comprised with both architectural beauty and intoxicating nightlife, Dubai becomes obscure during this time of the year. Mesmerizing fireworks and crazy clubbing scenes make it sizzle with excitement. Fireworks and Burj Khalifa give a sight worth to remember.

The main thing that makes everything very intriguing is that you can witness the grand celebration from the survey desks only. The survey desk near the downtown and at Burj Khalifa is capable of holding plenty of visitors from all over the world. Those who cannot attend the colourful and astounding festival can catch up on Television as well. But who can miss the beauty that the sky holds during fireworks which mesmerize the visitors to a great extent? You can also witness the breathtaking musical show with fountains and DJ show.

There is no doubt that Dubai is one of the most happening places around the globe. Its beauty and craziness are unparalleled. Blended with sandy beauty and delicious cuisine, Dubai is one-stop destination for globetrotters. But to witness this mesmerizing beauty, you need to first apply for a Dubai visa. Hence, if you have not planned yet, then visit your nearby Oman tourist visa agent who will help you to get a visa for Dubai in lesser time possible.

To travel UAE or to garner a Dubai Visa, you need to submit the following documents:

    • Completely filled and signed Visa Application
    • Photostat of the first and last page of your Passport
    • Passport size photographs
    • And confirmed air tickets

You may need to present other valuable documents to complete the visa procedure. For that, you can contact for Oman Transit Visa to get a 96 hours transit visa. With the help of our SDMS Dubai Visa portal, you can also check the status of your visa online.