
 The Top 10 Words Per Each of the 40 Phonemes of USA English



These data are from "The Alphabet and Sounds of USA English: Truespel Book 4"
by Thomas E. Zurinskas, published by authorhouse.com  5/23/2006
Any publication of all or part of these data need to refer to this reference.
The word instance counts are from the Collins Cobuild database for the top 5k
words in English.  The total number of instances were 15.4 million
The list below is alphabetical first by the 17 vowels then 23 consonants
1 The ten most popular words containing sound ~a are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
and ~and ~en 511,333 ~a(a)
that ~that ~tha' 215,322 ~a(a)
as ~az 123,238 ~a(a)
had ~had 112,290 ~a(a)
at ~at ~a' 99,271 ~a(a)
have ~hav 84,578 ~a(a)
an ~an ~en 58,438 ~a(a)
has ~haz ~has 36,804 ~a(a)
back ~bak 22,146 ~a(a)
after ~after ~aftu 20,270 ~a(a)
2 The ten most popular words containing sound ~aa are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
on ~aan ~aun 122,675 ~aa(o)
not ~naat ~naa' 90,528 ~aa(o)
are ~aar ~aa 78,262 ~aa(a)
got ~gaat ~gaa' 15,502 ~aa(o)
want ~waant ~wan' 11,711 ~aa(a)
far ~faar ~faa 9,173 ~aa(a)
part ~paart ~paa' 8,802 ~aa(a)
large ~laarj ~laaj 6,564 ~aa(a)
party ~paartee ~paadee 6,485 ~aa(a)
possible ~paasibool 6,093 ~aa(o)
3 The ten most popular words containing sound ~ae are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
they ~thae ~dae 87,888 ~ae(ey)
way ~wae 21,578 ~ae(ay)
may ~mae 18,685 ~ae(ay)
made ~maed 17,751 ~ae(a-e)
make ~maek 15,789 ~ae(a-e)
say ~sae 15,654 ~ae(ay)
take ~taek 13,709 ~ae(a-e)
day ~dae 13,703 ~ae(ay)
came ~kaem 12,556 ~ae(a-e)
away ~uwwae 12,168 ~ae(ay)
4 The ten most popular words containing sound ~air are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
there ~thair ~dai'u 59,740 ~air(ere)
their ~thair ~dai'u 51,442 ~air(eir)
very ~vairee ~vairi 29,245 ~air(er)
where ~wair ~wai'u 18,898 ~air(ere)
air ~air ~ai'u 4,560 ~air(air)
American ~Ummairikin 4,295 ~air(er)
parents ~pairints 4,108 ~air(ar)
area ~aireeyu ~airee'u 3,558 ~air(ar)
therefore ~thairfor ~dai'ufau 3,527 ~air(ere)
hair ~hair ~hai'u 3,436 ~air(air)
5 The ten most popular words containing sound ~au are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
all ~aul ~aal 64,138 ~au(al)
also ~aulsoe ~aalsoe 16,217 ~au(al)
long ~laung ~laang 14,187 ~au(o)
off ~auf ~aaf 14,065 ~au(o)
thought ~thhaut ~thaa' 12,890 ~au(ough)
always ~aulwaez ~aalwaes 11,796 ~au(al)
small ~smaul ~smaal 9,312 ~au(al)
almost ~aulmoest ~aalmoes 8,419 ~au(al)
often ~aufin ~aaftin 8,354 ~au(o)
water ~wauter ~waader 7,746 ~au(a)
6 The ten most popular words containing sound ~e are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
said ~sed 49,772 ~e(ai)
when ~wen ~hwen 45,944 ~e(e)
them ~them ~dem 42,115 ~e(e)
can ~kan ~ken 37,033 ~e(a)
then ~then ~den 33,753 ~e(e)
than ~then ~den 29,538 ~e(a)
well ~wel 23,529 ~e(e)
any ~enee ~eni 23,523 ~e(a)
get ~get ~ge' 20,954 ~e(e)
many ~menee ~meni 17,221 ~e(a)
7 The ten most popular words containing sound ~ee are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
he ~hee ~hi 158,851 ~ee(e)
be ~bee ~bi 110,317 ~ee(e)
she ~shee ~shi 74,065 ~ee(e)
we ~wee ~wi 64,642 ~ee(e)
me ~mee ~mi 43,070 ~ee(e)
only ~oenlee ~oenli 31,207 ~ee(ly)
very ~vairee ~vairi 29,245 ~ee(y)
people ~peepool 26,057 ~ee(eo)
any ~enee ~eni 23,523 ~ee(y)
even ~eevin 23,494 ~ee(e)
8 The ten most popular words containing sound ~er are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
for ~for ~fer ~fau 146,156 ~er(or)
her ~her ~heu 69,166 ~er(er)
were ~wer ~weu 63,137 ~er(er)
other ~uther ~udu 29,405 ~er(er)
your ~yuer ~yer ~yau ~yor 28,923 ~er(our)
over ~oever ~oevu 24,235 ~er(er)
first ~ferst ~fust 21,399 ~er(ir)
after ~after ~aftu 20,270 ~er(er)
never ~never ~nevu 16,010 ~er(er)
work ~werk ~weuk 14,828 ~er(or)
9 The ten most popular words containing sound ~i are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
in ~in 334,183 ~i(i)
it ~it ~i' 198,578 ~i(i)
is ~iz ~is 166,691 ~i(i)
with ~withh ~wi' 124,201 ~i(i)
his ~hiz 99,733 ~i(i)
this ~this ~dis 84,296 ~i(i)
which ~wich ~which 60,415 ~i(i)
if ~if 53,316 ~i(i)
been ~bin ~been 48,068 ~i(ee)
him ~him 45,434 ~i(i)
10 The ten most popular words containing sound ~ie are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
I ~ie ~aa 197,055 ~ie(i)
by ~bie ~baa 77,794 ~ie(y)
my ~mie ~maa 46,465 ~ie(y)
like ~liek ~laak 35,518 ~ie(i-e)
time ~tiem ~taam 32,011 ~ie(i-e)
right ~riet ~raa' 14,684 ~ie(igh)
might ~miet ~maa' 13,146 ~ie(igh)
life ~lief ~laaf 13,046 ~ie(i-e)
I'm ~iem ~aam 11,759 ~ie(i)
why ~wie ~waa 10,912 ~ie(y)
11 The ten most popular words containing sound ~oe are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
so ~soe 53,697 ~oe(o)
no ~noe 45,592 ~oe(o)
only ~oenlee ~oenli 31,207 ~oe(o)
know ~noe 24,262 ~oe(ow)
over ~oever ~oevu 24,235 ~oe(o)
most ~moest ~moes 21,162 ~oe(o)
don't ~doent ~doen' 20,302 ~oe(o)
go ~goe 18,808 ~oe(o)
own ~oen 16,363 ~oe(ow)
also ~aulsoe ~aalsoe 16,217 ~oe(o)
12 The ten most popular words containing sound ~oi are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
point ~point ~poin' 7,187 ~oi(oi)
voice ~vois 4,297 ~oi(oi)
boy ~boi 3,859 ~oi(oi)
boys ~boiz ~bois 2,521 ~oi(oi)
oil ~oil ~aul 2,148 ~oi(oi)
choice ~chois 1,796 ~oi(oi)
avoid ~uvvoid 1,335 ~oi(oi)
points ~points 1,331 ~oi(oi)
royal ~roiyool 1,325 ~oi(oy)
pointed ~pointid 1,299 ~oi(oi)
13 The ten most popular words containing sound ~oo  are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
would ~wood 52,597 ~oo(oul)
could ~kood 33,527 ~oo(oul)
people ~peepool 26,057 ~oo(le)
should ~shood 17,476 ~oo(oul)
little ~litool ~li'ool 17,417 ~oo(le)
good ~good 16,960 ~oo(oo)
put ~poot ~pou' 12,227 ~oo(u)
look ~look 10,435 ~oo(oo)
looked ~lookd 9,190 ~oo(oo)
took ~took 8,530 ~oo(oo)
14 The ten most popular words containing sound ~or are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
or ~or ~er ~au 76,323 ~or(or)
more ~mor ~mau 43,486 ~or(ore)
before ~beeffor ~biffau 17,641 ~or(ore)
course ~kors ~kaus 11,858 ~or(our)
important ~impportint ~impau'in' 6,436 ~or(or)
war ~wor ~wau 5,984 ~or(ar)
door ~dor ~dau 5,982 ~or(oor)
sort ~sort ~sau' 5,864 ~or(or)
four ~for ~fau 5,674 ~or(our)
morning ~morneeng ~maunin 5,349 ~or(or)
15 The ten most popular words containing sound ~ou are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
out ~out ~ou' 45,343 ~ou(ou)
about ~ubbout ~ubbou' 44,467 ~ou(ou)
now ~nou 32,095 ~ou(ow)
our ~our ~aa 23,073 ~ou(ou)
down ~doun 22,372 ~ou(ow)
how ~hou 20,906 ~ou(ow)
without ~witthout ~widou' 10,301 ~ou(ou)
house ~hous 9,890 ~ou(ou)
around ~urround 9,011 ~ou(ou)
found ~found 8,576 ~ou(ou)
16 The ten most popular words containing sound ~u are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
the ~thu ~du 1,081,654 ~u(e)
of ~uv 535,391 ~u(o)
a ~u 419,798 ~u(a)
was ~wuz ~wus 194,286 ~u(a)
but ~but ~bu' 95,405 ~u(u)
from ~frum 73,963 ~u(o)
one ~wun 61,776 ~u(o-e)
what ~wut ~hwu' 49,631 ~u(a)
up ~up 44,878 ~u(u)
about ~ubbout ~bbou' 44,467 ~u(a)
17 The ten most popular words containing sound ~ue are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad
to ~tue ~tu 479,191 ~ue(o)
you ~yue ~yu 128,276 ~ue(ou)
who ~hue 42,070 ~ue(o)
do ~due 38,113 ~ue(o)
into ~intue ~intu 35,382 ~ue(o)
two ~tue 24,174 ~ue(o)
new ~nue 18,771 ~ue(ew)
too ~tue 18,740 ~ue(oo)
through ~thhrue ~true 16,958 ~ue(ou)
few ~fyue 10,509 ~ue(ew)
18 The ten most popular words containing sound ~b are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
be ~bee 110,317 ~b(b)
but ~but ~bi 95,405 ~b(b)
by ~bie ~baa 77,794 ~b(b)
been ~bin ~been 48,068 ~b(b)
about ~ubbout ~ubbou' 44,467 ~bb(b)
because ~beekkuz ~bikkauz 23,262 ~b(b)
back ~bak 22,146 ~b(b)
before ~beeffor ~biffau 17,641 ~b(b)
being ~beeyeeng ~beeyin 15,379 ~b(b)
between ~beetwween ~bitwween 13,020 ~b(b)
19 The ten most popular words containing sound ~ch are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
which ~wich ~which 60,415 ~ch(ch)
much ~much 21,149 ~ch(ch)
such ~such 16,655 ~ch(ch)
children ~childrin ~chooldrin 11,656 ~ch(ch)
each ~eech 11,284 ~ch(ch)
child ~chield 7,619 ~ch(ch)
question ~kweschin 5,091 ~ch(t)
change ~chaenj 5,028 ~ch(ch)
actually ~akchulee ~akshuli 4,183 ~ch(t)
future ~fyuecher ~fyuechu 3,477 ~ch(t)
20 The ten most popular words containing sound ~d are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
and ~and ~en 511,333 ~d(d)
had ~had 112,290 ~d(d)
would ~wood 52,597 ~d(d)
said ~sed 49,772 ~d(d)
do ~due 38,113 ~d(d)
could ~kood 33,527 ~d(d)
down ~doun 22,372 ~d(d)
did ~did 20,844 ~d(d),~d(d)
don't ~doent ~doen' 20,302 ~d(d)
made ~maed 17,751 ~d(d)
21 The ten most popular words containing sound ~f are:
tradspel true(trad) slang/accents instances true(trad)
for ~for ~fer ~fau 146,156 ~f(f)
from ~frum 73,963 ~f(f)
if ~if 53,316 ~f(f)
first ~ferst ~fust 21,399 ~f(f)
after ~after ~aftu 20,270 ~f(f)
before ~beeffor ~biffau 17,641 ~ff(f)
off ~auf ~aaf 14,065 ~f(ff)
life ~lief ~laaf 13,046 ~f(f)
few ~fyue 10,509 ~f(f)
left ~left 9,843 ~f(f)
22 The ten most popular words containing sound ~g are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
get ~get ~ge' 20,954 ~g(g)
go ~goe 18,808 ~g(g)
good ~good 16,960 ~g(g)
got ~gaat ~gaa' 15,502 ~g(g)
being ~beeyeeng ~beeyin 15,379 ~g(eeng)
going ~goeweeng ~goewin 14,924 ~g(g),~g(eeng)
long ~laung ~laang 14,187 ~g(g)
again ~uggen 13,842 ~gg(g)
something ~sumthheeng ~sum'in 12,494 ~g(eeng)
great ~graet ~grae' 11,823 ~g(g)
23 The ten most popular words containing sound ~h are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
he ~hee ~hi 158,851 ~h(h)
had ~had 112,290 ~h(h)
his ~hiz ~his 99,733 ~h(h)
have ~hav 84,578 ~h(h)
her ~her ~hue 69,166 ~h(h)
him ~him 45,434 ~h(h)
who ~hue 42,070 ~h(wh)
has ~haz ~has 36,804 ~h(h)
how ~hou 20,906 ~h(h)
here ~heer ~hee'u 13,980 ~h(h)
24 The ten most popular words containing sound ~j are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
just ~just ~joost 24,156 ~j(j)
large ~laarj ~laaj 6,564 ~j(g)
general ~jenerool ~jenrool 5,408 ~j(g)
change ~chaenj 5,028 ~j(g)
age ~aej 4,453 ~j(g)
job ~jaab 4,374 ~j(j)
education ~ejukkaeshin 4,011 ~j(d)
energy ~enerjee ~enerji 3,487 ~j(g)
John ~Jaan 3,418 ~j(j)
major ~maejer ~maeju 3,291 ~j(j)
25 The ten most popular words containing sound ~k are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
can ~kan ~ken 37,033 ~k(c)
like ~liek ~laak 35,518 ~k(k)
could ~kood 33,527 ~k(c)
because ~beekkuz ~bikkaus 23,262 ~kk(c)
back ~bak 22,146 ~k(ck)
think ~thheenk ~teenk 21,844 ~k(k)
make ~maek 15,789 ~k(k)
come ~kum 15,681 ~k(c)
work ~werk ~weuk 14,828 ~k(k)
take ~taek 13,709 ~k(k)
26 The ten most popular words containing sound ~l are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
all ~aul ~aal 64,138 ~l(ll)
will ~wil ~wool 36,678 ~l(ll)
like ~liek ~laak 35,518 ~l(l)
only ~oenlee ~oenli 31,207 ~l(l)
people ~peepool 26,057 ~l(l)
well ~wel ~wool 23,529 ~l(ll)
little ~litool ~li'ool 17,417 ~l(l),~l(l)
still ~stil 16,322 ~l(ll)
also ~aulsoe ~aalsoe 16,217 ~l(l)
long ~laung ~laang 14,187 ~l(l)
27 The ten most popular words containing sound ~m are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
from ~frum 73,963 ~m(m)
my ~mie ~maa 46,465 ~m(m)
him ~him 45,434 ~m(m)
more ~mor ~mau 43,486 ~m(m)
me ~mee ~mi 43,070 ~m(m)
them ~them ~dem 42,115 ~m(m)
some ~sum 34,011 ~m(m)
time ~tiem ~taam 32,011 ~m(m)
most ~moest ~moes 21,162 ~m(m)
much ~much 21,149 ~m(m)
28 The ten most popular words containing sound ~n are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
and ~and ~en 511,333 ~n(n)
in ~in 334,183 ~n(n)
on ~aan ~aun 122,675 ~n(n)
not ~naat ~naa' 90,528 ~n(n)
one ~wun 61,776 ~n(n)
an ~an ~en 58,438 ~n(n)
been ~bin ~been 48,068 ~n(n)
when ~wen ~hwen 45,944 ~n(n)
no ~noe 45,592 ~n(n)
can ~kan ~ken 37,033 ~n(n)
29 The ten most popular words containing sound ~p are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
up ~up 44,878 ~p(p)
people ~peepool 26,057 ~p(p),~p(p)
put ~poot ~poo' 12,227 ~p(p)
place ~plaes 9,723 ~p(p)
part ~paart ~paa' 8,802 ~p(p)
perhaps ~perhhaps ~puhhaps 8,305 ~p(p),~p(p)
point ~point ~poin' 7,187 ~p(p)
help ~help 6,707 ~p(p)
party ~paardee ~paadi 6,485 ~p(p)
important ~impportint ~impau'in' 6,436 ~pp(p)
30 The ten most popular words containing sound ~r are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
for ~for ~fer ~fau 146,156 ~er(r)
are ~aar ~aa 78,262 ~r(r)
or ~or ~au 76,323 ~or(r)
from ~frum 73,963 ~r(r)
her ~her ~heu 69,166 ~er(r)
were ~wer ~weu 63,137 ~er(r)
there ~thair ~dai'u 59,740 ~air(r)
their ~thair ~dai'u 51,442 ~air(r)
more ~mor ~mau 43,486 ~or(r)
other ~uther ~udu 29,405 ~er(r)
31 The ten most popular  words containing sound ~s are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
this ~this ~dis 84,296 ~s(s)
so ~soe 53,697 ~s(s)
said ~sed 49,772 ~s(s)
some ~sum 34,011 ~s(s)
its ~its 27,267 ~s(s)
just ~just 24,156 ~s(s)
first ~ferst ~fust 21,399 ~s(s)
most ~moest ~moes 21,162 ~s(s)
see ~see 20,903 ~s(s)
us ~us 17,267 ~s(s)
32 The ten most popular words containing sound ~sh are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
she ~shee ~shi 74,065 ~sh(sh)
should ~shood 17,476 ~sh(sh)
social ~soeshool ~soesool 7,163 ~sh(ci)
British ~British ~Bridish 6,129 ~sh(sh)
sure ~sher ~sheu 5,455 ~sh(s)
national ~nashinool ~nashnool 4,282 ~sh(ti)
shall ~shal 4,085 ~sh(sh)
show ~shoe 4,049 ~sh(sh)
education ~ejukkaeshin ~edyuekkaeshin 4,011 ~sh(ti)
English ~Eenglish 3,602 ~sh(sh)
33 The ten most popular words containing sound ~t are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
to ~tue ~tu 479,191 ~t(t)
it ~it ~i' 198,578 ~t(t)
at ~at  ~a' 99,271 ~t(t)
but ~but  ~bu' 95,405 ~t(t)
not ~naat  ~naa' 90,528 ~t(t)
what ~wut  ~hwu' 49,631 ~t(t)
out ~out   ~ou' 45,343 ~t(t)
about ~ubbout  ~ubbou' 44,467 ~t(t)
into ~intue ~intu 35,382 ~t(t)
time ~tiem ~taam 32,011 ~t(t)
34 The ten most popular words containing sound ~th are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
the ~thu ~du 1,081,654 ~th(th)
that ~that ~da' 215,322 ~th(th)
they ~thae ~dae 87,888 ~th(th)
this ~this ~dis 84,296 ~th(th)
there ~thair ~dai'u 59,740 ~th(th)
their ~thair ~dai'u 51,442 ~th(th)
them ~them ~dem 42,115 ~th(th)
then ~then ~den 33,753 ~th(th)
than ~then ~den 29,538 ~th(th)
other ~uther ~udu 29,405 ~th(th)
35 The ten most popular  words containing sound ~thh are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents  instances true(trad)
with ~withh ~wit 124,201 ~thh(th)
think ~thheenk ~teenk 21,844 ~thh(th)
through ~thhrue ~true 16,958 ~thh(th)
thought ~thhaut ~tau' 12,890 ~thh(th)
something ~sumthheeng ~sum'in 12,494 ~thh(th)
three ~thhree ~tree 11,154 ~thh(th)
things ~thheengz ~teengz 11,133 ~thh(th)
both ~boethh ~boet 10,771 ~thh(th)
thing ~thheeng ~teeng 10,164 ~thh(th)
nothing ~nuthheeng ~nu'iin 9,093 ~thh(th)
36 The ten most popular words containing sound ~v are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
of ~uv 535,391 ~v(f)
have ~hav 84,578 ~v(v)
very ~vairee ~vairi 29,245 ~v(v)
over ~oever ~oevu 24,235 ~v(v)
even ~eevin 23,494 ~v(v)
never ~never ~nevu 16,010 ~v(v)
every ~evree ~evri 9,792 ~v(v)
give ~giv 8,595 ~v(v)
ever ~ever ~evu 8,257 ~v(v)
however ~houwwever ~houwwevu 7,245 ~v(v)
37 The ten most popular  words containing sound ~w are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
was ~wuz ~wus 194,286 ~w(w)
with ~withh ~wit 124,201 ~w(w)
we ~wee ~wi 64,642 ~w(w)
were ~wer ~weu 63,137 ~w(w)
one ~wun 61,776 ~w(none)
which ~wich ~hwich 60,415 ~w(wh)
would ~wood 52,597 ~w(w)
what ~wut ~hwu' 49,631 ~w(wh)
when ~wen ~hwen 45,944 ~w(wh)
will ~wil ~wool 36,678 ~w(w)
38 The most popular words containing sound ~y are:
tradspel  truespel  slang/accents instances true(trad)
your ~yuer ~yer ~yor ~yau 28,923 ~y(y)
years ~yeerz ~yee'uz 15,946 ~y(y)
being ~beeyeeng ~beeyin 15,379 ~y(none)
yes ~yes 13,307 ~y(y)
few ~fyue 10,509 ~y(none)
used ~yuezd 9,216 ~y(none)
use ~yuez (~yues) 8,635 ~y(none)
year ~yeer ~yee'u 8,618 ~y(y)
yet ~yet ~ye' 8,385 ~y(y)
39 The ten most popular words containing sound ~z are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
was ~wuz ~wus 194,286 ~z(s)
is ~iz ~is 166,691 ~z(s)
as ~az 123,238 ~z(s)
his ~hiz ~his 99,733 ~z(s)
has ~haz ~has 36,804 ~z(s)
because ~beekkuz ~bikkaus 23,262 ~z(s)
these ~theez ~deez 22,615 ~z(s)
years ~yeerz ~yee'uz 15,946 ~z(s)
those ~thoez ~doez 15,698 ~z(s)
always ~aulwaez ~aalwaes 11,796 ~z(s)
40 The ten most popular words containing sound ~zh are:
tradspel truespel slang/accents instances true(trad)
usually ~yuezhyulee ~yuezhuli 3,843 ~zh(s)
television ~teluvizhin 1,907 ~zh(s)
usual ~yuezhyuwool 1,867 ~zh(s)
decision ~dissizhin 1,662 ~zh(s)
pleasure ~plezher ~plezhu 1,498 ~zh(s)
occasion ~ukkaezhin 1,113 ~zh(s)
occasionally ~ukkaezhinoolee ~ukkazhinooli 998 ~zh(s)
decisions ~dissizhinz 985 ~zh(s)
division ~divvizhin 866 ~zh(s)
measure ~mezher ~mezhu 864 ~zh(s)