A heat sink transfers thermal energy from a higher temperature device to a lower temperature fluid medium. In thermodynamics a heat sink is a heat reservoir that can absorb an arbitrary amount of heat without significantly changing temperature. Practical heat sinks for electronic devices must have a temperature higher than the surroundings to transfer heat by any means like radiation, convection, conduction.
As every material creates resistance for flow of energy there is accumulation of energy & heat is produced. The power supplies of electronics are not 100% efficient, so extra heat is produced that may be detrimental to the function of the device. As such, a heat sink is included in the design to disperse heat.
Though the term thermal compound probably isn't one most people think of when they hear the word electronics devices or computer, it should be. Without thermal compound modern electronic equipments, electronic devices, machineries, computers couldn't run at the speeds they do. And without a quality thermal compound all your electronic devices, gadgets, equipments processor is at risk of overheating, which could destroy your entire system, costing you hundreds, even thousands of dollars.
But what exactly is a thermal compound and how does it work? Simply put, a thermal compound is an object that disperses heat from another object. A heat sink draws heat away from processor. The heat sink has a thermal conductor that carries heat away from the processor into fins that provide a large surface area for the heat to dissipate throughout the rest of the system, thus cooling both the heat sink and processor. To fill the gaps between matting surfaces thermal compound were used. Moving further efficiency of cooling or taking heat away from the system is depending upon quality of heat sink compound. There are many manufacturers who do the manufacturing of thermal compound but there are very few who make it on technical grounds. Thermal compound & its terminology look simple but the quality of thermal compound play very important role in deciding the performance of heat sink compound. There are many parameters which define the performance of heat sink compound. Thermal compound are chemicals so every thermal compound properties varies as per its formulation. Thermal resistance, thermal conductivity, oxidation resistance, drop point, ionic nature, content of VOC are the key parameters which define the performance of heat sink compound. Every thermal compound has different thermal conductivity. Depending upon the requirements of heat generated in the system thermal compound are selected. Apart from thermal conductivity of thermal compound there are many other parameters which must be taken into account while selecting the heat sink compound
. Nimble group form India is leading manufacturer of thermal compound