Factually the theoretical meaning of lies is an act that has concerned with the absence of truth. Lies are a highly comprehensive term and this kind of word is often used for the measurement of situations that are favorable and unfavorable respectively.
This is highly subjective and can vary from person to person, some things or events that seem comfortable to one person may be uncomfortable for others.
However, it is also important to understand that the degree of intensity of these events can vary under different circumstances.
What are lies and why do people use them:
Actually, truth and lies are the natural properties of human beings that are ingrained in every human being.
These are very significant properties gifted from nature in which the whole mankind forwarding onwards with it.
Lies is a very capacious term, its scope includes lying, misbehaving, cheating, corruption, theft, betrayal, dishonesty, or any unethical activities, etc.
In fact, lies and truth are two integral parts of human life, without them, life cannot move smoothly, in other words, both are two different sides of the same coin.
In other words, if where there is truth there is no place for lies and exact vice versa. Lying does only hurts and mourning to the people. the word lie is another name for demolishing people's faith and trust. It takes a quite long time for someone to establish faith and confidence in yours but lies break him in one fell swoop.
By following the path of lies, we can definitely obtain huge money, big names, and fame in quite a little span but in this way, we cannot get anyone's trust.
Commonly prevalent lies in society can be described into three categories:
1st category:
In this category, such kinds of lies are included in which any kind of gains are rollout for ourselves or not, as well as there are no harm and losses to anyone else due to your actions.
2nd category:
This category includes such kinds of lies in which there are gains only for ourselves and there is no concern in any way about the gains and losses of anyone else due to his selfish actions.
3rd category:
In this category, such kinds of lies are included when anyone covers the truth in spite of having knowledge of the facts.
Lies of the first category:
The lies included in this category are completely contiguous as a part of our daily routine life and cannot move smoothly without such kinds of lies.
Like a businessman often tells various lies to sell his products.
When someone brags too high to prove himself glorious.
solving purpose by providing some kind of wrong information to someone in which no one is harmed.
providing some kinds of lies to superiors or family members to avoid getting down at home or workplace.
In school, college, students often tell lies to each other without any bad intention or tell lies for the betterment of their loved ones.
Lies of the second category:
These types of lies only hurt and fabricate pain and losses to the people and kill the trust of the people which is called betrayal.
It takes a quite long time in life to make someone trust in yourself, sometimes the whole life goes out but the lies destroy him in suddenly one stroke. By following the path of lies and immorality, we can definitely obtain wealth, big name, and fame in a short span, but in this way, we cannot be succeeded to get anyone's faith.
Wealth, prestige, and glory acquired by adopting unethical ways always bring with it some complex problems as well, as a result, it does not last long because its foundation is hollow.
Don't forget any lies can disturb and harass the truth for a while but they can't be defeated because the truth is very powerful and only it wins in every way.
Some key factors of leading towards lies:
There are many factors that lead someone towards lies or choose some kind of unethical path in life instead of following the path of truth.
Generally, people are afraid of the consequences of the truth, this fear prevents them from the truth resulting in they are compromising with lies.
It is well known to all that in order to cover or protect one lie, thousands of other lies have to be created and then this becomes their habit by telling lies in everything.
Once you get used to the habit of lying then this habit sustained with you in the future also.
It keeps on terrifying our body and mind every moment that someday in the future our lies may come to the fore.
If some work is being done in life and the desired outcome is not obtained in it, then people often get frustrated and tired and resort to lies or unethically to get their desired result.
Whereas in every situation, without losing hope and getting disappointed, everyone should keep trying with perseverance and determination and should not be giving up.
Quick success and being high Ambitious:
Some people are often seen adopting shortcut methods to succeed quickly, whereas we are all well aware of the fact that success could be achieved by only a systematic step-by-step process.
There are many people who adopt unethical and wrong paths, such as lying, cheating, etc. and they become successful in a short span, the achievements thus achieved are not long-lasting and they are sure to decline after some time.
To be successful, we need to make continuous efforts with truth and work hard with patience.
In the present scenario, we can observe the example of political people and politicians, they play with their faith and sentiments by lying to the people for their self-interests.
Some political people make lies promises and assurances with the public to win the people's faith and as well as elections, but after winning the elections, they never even look back towards these people.
In the earlier times, such situations were not the same at all as the present scenario, the leaders of that time used to give consideration to the people and they also often tried to do what they said in promises. There were quite transparencies present in his words and actions.
Due to this, he used to get full cooperation and support from the public and people had full faith in their leaders and they were able to influence the public but nowadays the opposite of it happens.
Unexpected transformation in circumstances:
Sometimes suddenly we are forced to face such bad situations, which we are not capable to handle at that time, in that time instead of facing the situation firmly, we sometimes resort to lies or unethically.
But later, even after the situation becomes normal, we are not able to muster the courage to speak the truth and we just think at that time that it may happen that when the truth will be revealed, it could be quite harmful, humiliating, and hurting for us.
Lies of the third category:
There are some people in society who tell lies very cleverly. They present their lies so well planned and confident that they appear to be true and then everyone believes that if the person is telling them so confidently so it can be true.
There is a saying that if a lie is repeated innumerable times with so much confidence and perseverance, it looks like the truth and everyone starts believing it.
If we consider carefully around us, then most producers of products advertisement, politicians, selfish and cunning people all take advantage of this weakness of human beings. They repeat the same thing so many times in such a manner that people believe it as a truth.
Not revealing the truth despite having the knowledge of facts:
In the present scenario, most people look at the circumstances around them and follow them according to the consensus, They do not have the capability to make their own decisions and do not want to make any justificatory decisions about the truth, lie, right and wrong.
The thinking of this kind of people would always be that we will react the same as everyone is doing, they do not even want to know whether the work they are doing is with the lies or truth, such kinds of acts are also covered under the categories of lies and unethical.
If someone forces his views on you in the name of consensus, then you should do not hesitate to show your dissent to them. If you think that you are right, then do not back down from your point of view under the pressure of others. Read more...