
Thank you Tomoko

2016, a final thank you.

Thank you for supporting Tomoko and myself over the years. 2001 - 2013 as a U.S. Marine in Japan, serving and working for U.S. servicemembers and their families with Marine Corps Community Services, and selflessly giving myself to the idea, that for my time there, I wanted to create something beautiful.


For many years, Tomoko and I sacrificed much of our lives going out and capturing Okinawa for books, magazines, prints, clients, websites, post cards and other things for everyone around us, so that they could see an Okinawa and have a sense of the beauty that surrounded them. It was a privledge to have spent my adult life in Okinawa showing Tomoko's home to the world, and making that journey with her. Interestingly, I do not have even one print of Okinawa, no data, just the memories and a Facebook page that shows footprints of the journey. And, how beautiful those prints were -- Kodak Endura 4"x6" 20"x30" landscapes printed with very vivid color, careful editing, research on location accuracy and information included with every print, carefully visually inspected by me and information by Tomoko, every single print went through my eyes. Those prints were never sold to make money, in fact I lost money in ordering them and making them available, but they will last 150-200 years depending on your lighting conditions, and retain the original color accuracy. For those of you who were my clients during those years, you truly have the only copies that will ever exist.


I hope the warm love Okinawa stared at me with, every sunrise, every sunset, every long day standing in the rain, every smile, and every tear -- and I hope they bless the walls of your home, the walls of your hearts, for eternity.


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Charity work as we know it

Charities work hard with local communities to provide support communities would not be able to get without their help, but who is their main competition online? The search engine saint, Google. They might have been a way for any local organization to promote themselves and get relevant and organic search results. 

  1. http://pdfsr.com/pdf/denver-charity-scams-in-colorado
  2. http://pdfsr.com/pdf/donate-a-car-to-charity-in-denver-colorado-don-t-fall-for-scams
  3. http://www.briefingwire.com/pr/charities-in-denver-have-unlikely-competitors-map-scammers
  4. https://charityvillage.com/directories/events/search-results/event-detail.aspx?id=334441&l=2#.VtyJRPkrJhE
  5. https://www.hashdoc.com/denverdonate
  6. https://www.docdroid.net/HdrKyLM/colorado-nonprofit-scams.pdf.html
  7. http://www.calameo.com/accounts/4697028
  8. https://zerona.wufoo.com/reports/denver-car-donations/


Press Releases about Denver Car Donations

  1. http://www.openpr.com/news/325235.html
  2. http://www.prurgent.com/2016-03-02/pressrelease404238.htm

And such is the nature of scams online, nobody is willing to help you out. Do you know why? Because if you are the sucker, then they aren't. Keep your head up and keep doing what is right and making sure these sort of scams that have been hitting Denver don't occur anymore.


Supporting Denver Charity Scam Media

Kars4kids scam

Kars4kids Denver


Denver Donation Scams

Denver Donation Scams


Denver Car Donations

Denver Car Donations


Donate Car Denver

Denver Car Donations


There you have it, information on Denver Charity Scams.

Denver Charity Scam archive: Denver Car Donation Programs

Denver Charity Scam List: http://www.listideas.com/denvercardonations/ideas-list



Denver Colorado AA Meeting Resources

Denver AA meeting list 2016 PDF



That is a complete 2016 Alcoholics Anonymous List for Colorado, very up to date. Below if a guide on how to donate to a charity in Denver, Colorado and not get scammed.


Denver Donation Guides and How-to's, and backups

  1. http://pdfsr.com/pdf/top-9-denver-car-donation-questions-what-can-i-donate-1
  2. https://www.hashdoc.com/documents/221661/denver-charity-donation-programs-charities-and-scam-alerts
  3. https://www.docdroid.net/HdrKyLM/colorado-nonprofit-scams.pdf.html
  4. https://archive.org/details/DenverColoradoAAMeetings2016
  5. http://www.pdf-archive.com/2016/03/07/denver-colorado-aa-meetings-2016/

Study Guides for AA