
Key Factors To Consider Before Buying A Temperature Data Logger

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Leah Byrne @Leah_Byrne · Sep 17, 2021 · edited: Sep 21, 2021


Technology is constantly being integrated into every part of many industries, whether construction services or food industries. With that said, it helps in increasing the efficiency of work in the office. One example of this is a temperature data logger. It keeps and maintains the temperature in the workplace, which is very important for a company that are selling perishable goods.


Buying a good temperature logger is not that easy too. There are a lot of factors to consider before you buy one for your company. At the same time, this may seem like a futile effort, having an accurate data logger will help you in the long run. Here are some tips to consider before you buy one.




Temperature data loggers should be able to detect natural light on an object, specifically for a product. For example, paintings can degrade faster if they are exposed to light for extended periods in museums, ironically. Another use of light-detecting sensors is to confirm that a package stays unopened by placing a sensor inside the packaging, or to monitor light conditions in places that favour darker lighting for one reason or another.




Sensing shock using a logger is vital for monitoring valuable and fragile goods in transit by truck, train or shipment. The logger is fixed onto the cargo for shock monitoring to record and measure whether the item has suffered shocks bigger than the acceptable limits. These provide some information for improvement in the future.


A fragile electronic device may seem okay on the surface, but a minor impact may cause irreversible damage. By monitoring impacts, quality assurance can point out the moment a shock has occurred and possibly damaged the product, either to correct points where problems frequently occur or simply for insurance purposes.

Again, this information can then be used to improve transport procedures. Also, electronic products may be more delicate than they seem. Externally, it may look like they arrived intact, but shocks could lead to internal damage that leaves the product broken.




The prominent step is to have a clear idea of the environmental parameters. Is it the electricity usage, humidity, or the temperature you want to measure? Pick a temperature data logger with dual channel capabilities to record the RH and temperature simultaneously.




Temperature data loggers may vary in the range of temperatures they can detect. The monitoring capacity of a temperature data logging device may vary. Hence, it is necessary to be certain about the range of a logger suitable to the conditions encountered in a particular application.




It would be best if you also reconsidered choosing the appropriate unit of data temperature logger. There are several types of units, such as water-proof, vigorous and dust-proof, which need to be suitable. The units should withstand the harshest conditions in the workplace and work as they should under these unfavourable circumstances.




The fundamental use of a data logger with a probe is to measure an application’s high and low temperature. Having a data temperature logger with a probe will save you some costs and expenses.




Generally, a data logging device consumes an extremely low amount of energy. However, battery life can vary widely because they are used in various environmental conditions and samples at different rates. As a general rule of thumb, make sure the temperature data logger UK sourced you select has a battery life of at least one year at the logging rate you need. For some remote situations, you may want to investigate whether a solar-powered option is available.


It would be best if you also looked at whether the logger’s batteries are replaceable. User-replaceable batteries are the most convenient. This can eliminate the time and expense of shipping the logger back to the manufacturer for battery replacement. A data logger that runs on generic batteries is preferred to a data logger that uses specialised batteries.




Time is money, so you’ll want to make sure the temperature data logger UK wide you select has a feature set that will make the process of field deployment simple and reliable. It’s also a good idea to look for features that can save time when offloading and analysing data. 


Some temperature loggers, for example, can operate in a statistics logging mode where they continuously calculate and display the minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation for measurements as they are being recorded. This completely disregards the post-process data and gets you the results immediately.


Getting a good temperature data logger that will last you a long time is a worthy investment. It’s better to invest in the things that will keep your company’s processes held to a high standard. This assures a more successful campaign in the market. Furthermore, you should never compromise the quality of a product for low prices. Cheaper data loggers often have poorly built bodies. Avoid these and always opt for top-tier data loggers from established brands.