NDIS participants have choice and control over their supports, services and resources. They can customise their plan according to their unique needs and personal goals.
Registered providers are bound by NDIS rules about quality, respect and safety. If you have a problem with them, the NDIS has a complaints process.
Benefits of Using a Registered NDIS Provider
NDIS service provider are organisations, businesses or individuals who offer support services to participants. They have the necessary qualifications, approvals and experience to ensure high-quality NDIS support. They are also required to comply with specific laws, guidelines and policies that non-registered providers do not have to follow.
Registered NDIS providers uphold high quality and safety standards to provide the best care possible to participants. They have extensive knowledge about the services they offer, and undergo rigorous testing to verify their credentials and compliance with NDIS guidelines.
NDIS registered providers are able to market their services through the NDIS portal and use various strategies to acquire new clients, including online advertising, social media platforms, and word-of-mouth referrals. They also have access to supplementary training modules offered by the NDIS Commission.
Choosing a Registered NDIS Provider
The process of choosing an NDIS provider can feel daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. The first step is evaluating whether the provider meets your quality of life needs and is affordable.
You should also look at their reputation and trustworthiness. A good way to do this is by reading online reviews from other participants who have used their services.
A good NDIS provider should focus on a participant’s daily life and help them achieve their goals. They should also provide highly qualified nurses and support workers to ensure optimum care and comfort.
A registered NDIS provider will have been vetted and their service standards have been approved by the NDIA. However, you can still choose a non-registered NDIS provider if you are using a Plan Manager or self-managing your funds. Nonregistered providers will invoice you directly, rather than your NDIS Plan Manager, and you will then need to claim the costs back from the NDIS.
Benefits of Using a Non-Registered NDIS Provider
Choosing to be non-registered means providers can charge above the NDIS price cap, but this comes with its own set of challenges. They’ll need to be transparent, have a robust complaints system and be prepared for less work than registered providers.
However, if you’re a small business that’s comfortable with these risks, it can be a great option for your organisation. After all, you could find yourself working with a huge number of participants who would be comfortable with your service level, prices and values.
As a result, this might be more financially viable for smaller organisations than registering as a provider. Of course, you’ll still need to comply with NDIS regulations such as providing accurate invoices and keeping records of client information, goals, plans and shift reporting. That’s where CTARS client management software can help you stay compliant without sacrificing the level of service your clients expect. Contact us to request a demo today!
Choosing a Non-Registered NDIS Provider
The process of becoming registered takes time, money and effort – three things that many smaller providers simply don’t have. This is why it’s common for some specialised service providers (such as doctors or therapists) to remain nonregistered.
Unregistered providers can still offer participants essential and highly skilled services but they aren’t able to claim their invoices directly with the NDIA. Instead, they will send their invoices to participants or their Plan Manager for payment.
This can add extra work for self-managed participants who must then manually claim their funds from the NDIA portal or have a Plan Manager take care of this on their behalf. For this reason, we recommend encouraging your non-registered providers to become registered so they can continue to provide you with quality support.