
TwitchRP ARK Rules



1. Be respectful of others on the server -- personal insults or verbal attacks outside of RP is
strictly prohibited!



2. Please consider that others on the server are probably streaming, this includes NO stream
sniping/stalking or metagaming.



3. Do NOT broadcast music to the server using the internal VOIP unless agreed upon by all
present parties.



4. If you have a problem with someone else, handle it off the server instead of having an open
argument in side chat.



5. RP that violates the Twitch ToS and RoC is strictly prohibited
     ○ Twitch Terms of Service
     ○ Twitch Rules of Conduct



6. Don't glitch any elements of the game or use exploits:
     ○ You can not build a foundation or structure where a rider sits on any platform
dinosaur saddles. The rider has to be realistically sitting on the saddle. You can build
overtop of the rider though.
     ○ You can not use the quetzal platform farming exploit (farming using dinosaurs on a
quetzal “shelf” structure does not register weight properly).



7. Don't log out in the middle of combat, i.e. combat logging.



8. You must stay in character at all times on TwitchRP. This means no going OOC on the radio
either. Talk to people on Steam or other methods if you need to, but keep it all in character
when playing on TwitchRP. OOC means Out of Character.



9. Don't kill sleepers immediately after restarts, allow them at the very least 5 minutes to log in
before resuming combat



10. If you create a community/RP building; all doors and chests must be unlocked to prevent
raiding. These buildings must have a yellow front door to be considered an RP structure.
You may not raid a community building. This cannot be used for a home; items and
valuables should be stored elsewhere.
     ○ Examples of community buildings: schools, libraries, restaurants, saunas etc.
     ○ If it is found you’re abusing the system by creating a communal building as a front for
something else, the building is subject to being demolished under an admin’s
     ○ PvP is allowed inside these buildings, as long as it does not damage the building. No



11. You are not allowed to use Rocket Launchers for RP-PVP or raiding on TwitchRP. While
they are cheaper than C4 they create excess damage to structures.



12. Auto Turrets: Auto Turrets can be used on the outside of a building, however, please be
aware if you are in high traffic area you should have the range and warning set to
accommodate this.
     ○ If you normally have warnings and low range turrets, but are under attack you can
take the warning off and up the range.
     ○ If you build a base out of the way from people, use your best judgment on if you need
to use warnings and range.
     ○ Auto Turrets are not to be used on platform saddles of any dinosaurs.
     ○ Plant Turrets can be used on platform dinosaurs and bases. They do not fall under
the same rules as Auto Turrets.



13. During an assault on a settlement, compound, or any other form of 'base,’ you are allowed to
make only one new entrance (which is also your exit). You are allowed to destroy only so
much that is needed to plunder. You may not drop stolen goods on the floor to despawn, this
is considered griefing. You are not allowed to destroy the entire 'base', or cause massive
destruction to it.
     ○ Please keep in mind that explosives cause splash damage and this can
unintentionally create more than one hole into the base.
     ○ If you destroy containers, and do not need the contents inside, please try to build
boxes nearby to put the loot in before it despawns.
     ○ Please be aware that continuous raiding could lead to harassment. Be respectful of
your fellow player and the time they put into the game. Role-play should always be a



14. During an offline raid on someone’s home, you must leave a note for the owner to find. The
note should provide role-play enough for the owner to pursue the attacker. It doesn’t need to
be the raider’s name, but a hint towards who may have attacked or pinning the blame on
another active player is sufficient.
     ○ If you were witnessed (i.e. chased off or caught) by a third party (not an ally), you are not required to leave a



15. You can not assault people without proper vocal roleplay initiation that stems from you or
your group in all situations.
     ○ You can not murder someone unless they have threatened your life or have not
complied with your reasonable demands.
     ○ Initiated roleplay lasts for roughly 15 minutes before you must re-initiate.
     ○ If you were not directly involved in the original RP situation (Can’t hear the shots). If
you are not apart of the group (via radio, text or other direct communication previous
to the scenario), you can not initiate in that RP scenario.
     ○ This includes drops or land grab scenarios. You MUST roleplay in every scenario. If
you get to a drop and someone else is there and you want it. Say you want it and see
what happens. If it progresses to RP-PVP so be it. But you roleplayed.



16. If your character becomes knocked out or unconscious for any reason, you need to role play
this. If you are unconscious you are not going to be able to talk coherently, and using the
radio is not practical.



17. Identifying players or player-owned creatures through use of their name plate is considered
insufficient RP and is prohibited.
     ○ You can NOT use your spyglass or naked eye to see a dinosaur or a character’s
     ○ You can obtain someone’s name from an implant on their body though.



18. You are permitted to kill another player's creatures only under the permittance of RP where
the owner is actively included in the action, or in self-defence. You are never to kill another
player's creatures for other reasons, especially if they're in a base or otherwise private or
protected area and set to passive.
     ○ If you store things on passive dinosaurs, they are still subject to being tranqed out
and the items being stolen.
     ○ Taking part in a battle or RP-PvP and parking your dinosaur slightly away from where
it takes place does not mean that dinosaur is safe. You still rode it or used to get
where the battle is. There is still a possibility that it could be killed, passive or not.



19. Declaring war with other tribes is allowed as long as it is clear who the involved parties are.
You are not allowed to forcefully drag bystanders into your conflict. Those who were not
included in the RP which set the premise for the war are considered bystanders.



20. Please do not act on information obtained through any means other than direct RP, this
includes automated notifications such as death messages and tribe logs.



21. NO external communication should be used while you are playing on the server. The only
time this is acceptable is if you are with your friends or tribe and are simply just farming. It
should never be used around others in game that are not in the external communication with
     ○ Using external communication in raids is extremely unfair to the parties involved.
     ○ In game VOIP allows everyone to hear you, even when talking on the radio. The only
way to silent execute an attack or raid is via the text radio in game.



22. You may only tame a reasonable amount of dinosaurs. 10 Dinosaurs per person should be
the cap. Please keep in mind that you are sharing a single server with a bunch of other
people, and the system resources are finite.



23. New Life Rule: upon death, you are not allowed to visit the area containing your body for the
next 10 minutes -- there must be NO doubt here from other players, we recommend you stay
away 15-20 minutes to be safe. Any loot you may have dropped is now forfeited, up for grabs
by anyone, do not go back for it. Your home, however, stays in your possession. If you die in
the vicinity of your home, respawn at the beach. You have no memory of your killer, or any
event leading up to your death. Your life begins anew.



24. Typing on the radio should be treated as realistically as possible. No emoticons should be



25. Speaking poorly of others on stream will not be tolerated. If you have an issue with someone
submit a report. You are representing TwitchRP when you stream.



26. Last but not least, it is sad that we must add this to the rules, but it seems
circumstances require it: any player caught harassing or bullying another player on
the server, or outside of the server but in relation to their presence on the server, will
be permanently removed and barred from the current and any future whitelists.




The Admins have the final say in any situation, and all rules are subject to change. When the
Admins deal with a situation more than one opinion is used.