
Welcome to #blogsnark! 

This is an IRC channel on the Freenode server. We mostly congregate at /r/blogsnark.  IRC is anonymous and this is a public channel so anyone can come in here using any non-registered username. Don't be stupid. The operator has rights to ban/kick people who are being offensive or causing harassment. 


Some helpful tips to get started with IRC!


Change Your Username

in the text box area type, /nick newusername


Register Your Username

To prevent someone from signing in as you when you're away, register your username.

in the text box area type, /ns register newusername password emailaddress

You will then have to confirm the email they send you. Then you can log in.


Logging In/Identifying

Once registered, you have to log in using the password you created above, to prove it is The Real You.

in the text box area type, /ns identify password

This way if someone tries to use your nick, it will say it is in use.


Use actions

You can make action messages for fun like: *pickywolverine sings a song

in the text box area type, /me sings a song


Private Message

You can private message other users logged in to the server.

in the text box area type, /msg username



You can ignore anyone on the server

in the text box area type, /ignore username



Set your status to away, so people know you have walked away from your keyboard or are busy.

in the text box area type, /away


Log Out/Quit

Properly sign out of your username or quit the server completely.

in the text box area type, /ns logout -or- /quit