
Study Spanish Abroad Programs

Over 400 million people around the world speak Spanish. It is the fourth most commonly spoken language around the world after English, Chinese, and Hindi. The number and popularity itself are good enough reasons to learn Spanish but there is so much more.


  • Spanish is easy to learn and to speak. Spanish is considered to be the easiest language for an English speaking person. The majority of Spanish is phonetic which makes it easier to learn and a lot of the words are derived from the same foundation language as English: Latin. Spanish an easy language is spoken worldwide. What else do you need?
  • Learning and knowing Spanish will help improve English. English and Spanish have the same foundation which is Latin. The grammar of both English and Spanish is similar because of the foundation they share. One of the best ways to learn or get better at English to learn another language to understand the structure of the language and reflect the same structure onto English.
  • Learning one new language helps you learn others. There are a few other languages that have the same foundation as English and Spanish, like French and Italian. As the foundation is the same, learning these languages is easy, in fact learning Spanish gives you a head start in learning all these languages.
  • Spanish is great for travel. Many geographical regions of the world speak Spanish, of course visiting these places without learning the language is a possibility but embracing yourself in the culture of the place is another experience of its own. 





We have established that Spanish a fun and easy language to learn, but, where to learn this language from?

Multiple programs offer learning Spanish as a course and one can acquire extensive and detailed knowledge of the subject to study Spanish abroad programs:


  1. ISA’s Spanish Language and Culture in Salamanca: this is one of the oldest universities in Spain.

Which other place than the very heart of Spain should one choose to learn Spanish. You will not only learn the language but also soak in the culture of the country.


  1. SIT’s programs in Chile: To experience a unique way to learn Spanish one should visit the south of America’s most prosperous country. Along with its hands-on courses, you get to choose from a plethora of programs. If you are ready to challenge yourself and immerse yourself in the nature of a beautiful country then Chile is the right destination for you. 
  1. ISA’s Summer in Lima: Peru’s coastal capital is an excellent spot for Spanish study abroad programs. ISA not only offers a detailed understanding of the Spanish language but also introduces its students to important social, political, and cultural issues in Peru. If you want a wholesome experience of learning and understanding the Spanish language Peru is the place to be. 

These are a few options one may consider when it comes to where to study the Spanish language, but there is an easier less expensive method to all of this: Instituto Hispania. This is an easy and cost-effective way to learn Spanish. Instituto Hispania provides a wholesome experience in learning the language and all of this simply sitting at home. Instituto Hispania has one of the best online courses to learn Spanish.