Best Methods To Maximize Live Streaming On Facebook For Event Marketing
Regardless of whether you anticipate your event to be awesome, the fact remains that many people will be unable to attend causing you to lose a valuable audience. It is a huge demography which you wouldn't want to leave out. If people cannot attend the event you are hosting wouldn't it be better for you to begin streaming to Facebook live?
With live streaming hardware and multiple resources which are available to achieve this objective should be considering using Facebook live for the streaming. Given below are a few tips for you to maximize your exposure when streaming to Facebook live.
Utilizing Facebook Live Reactions
When you enable the reactions in Facebook live you are giving viewers an option to indicate what they are feeling at the particular moment by using a number of symbols or emojis which make an appearance on live video. The symbol is visible briefly before it disappears. However, it gives the event planners an idea of how the audience is perceiving the presentation or the event and express themselves accordingly. Encouraging your viewers to take advantage of live reactions means you are making it easier for your viewers to react then send a text message which normally takes longer.
Integrating Facebook Live And Periscope
Periscope is another tool which you can use for live streaming. Facebook live streaming is just one of the many real-time video tools and is usually compared with periscope. A clear view of what people think about either of them is difficult to say because most have different opinions. It is essential for you to understand that Facebook live streaming often gets more views after the live recording has been completed. Videos on Facebook also remain on the site while videos on periscope are usually not available after a certain time. Therefore you should be prepared to experiment with both and decide on sticking with the one which is suitable for your needs. You can also consider using other streaming services such as YouTube and Google hangouts which are all free to play and are viable resources.
Do Not Forget To Invite Your Friends
After you begin streaming the video created you should be encouraging your friends to join the event. The invite feature simply needs to be tapped to let your viewers tap on the icon and select the friends they want to join them to watch the event. You can even consider asking your staffers to do the same when the event is progressing. Sending tweets during the event to remind all viewers to invite their friends and partake in the festivity is another option which you should consider.
Begin with A Catchy Description
You need to ensure that you prepare an event description which is compelling and includes a call to action for the people listening in. The event description must clearly describe what the event is about in as few words as possible. You can use commanding language in the description for asking viewers to listen in.
Responding To Comments
Celebrities are often using live upstream's and making small talk when they take questions from fans that are posting inquiries on social media. If celebrities are using this tactic with success there is no reason why you should be ignoring the same. You can keep track of the people tuning in and send a quick individual greeting to a select few by addressing them personally. Just ensure that you answer any questions they ask for the live audience because it impresses the viewers especially when you address them personally in the presence of live listeners.
You can definitely come up with ideas of your own or look for other methods which have been used by event planners for interacting with their viewers. However, we strongly suggest that you remember the above because these are crucial to maximizing live streaming to Facebook.
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash