
Start your note by uploading an image

You can now prepare a new note by uploading an image and we will convert it into text.
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JustPaste.it @JustPasteIt · Jan 24, 2024 · edited: Jan 25, 2024

Some time ago we have introduced ability to convert PDF file or a Word document to text: Import note content from PDF file.


This time we wanted to share with you new way of creating notes on JustPaste.it: by uploading picture containing a text. 


If you have some image (.png, .jpg, .tiff, .webp, .bmp) and want to convert it into text, simply upload it threw "Import from file" feature from the right panel.


screenshot20240124at111923.pngYour image will be turned into text and you will be able to modify it before publishing. If you'll select the text source language correctly it will improve final results.


Please note that our Premium users have much higher limit of files they can convert per day.