
Something Sci-Fi with Magic and Very Grim-Dark n' Stuff (SS-FM&VG-DS)

Amongst the myriad of universes within the Omniverse, one notably with a population of humans, as well as several other species within one of its galaxies, is the Stardust galaxy (or at least that is its most commonly acknowledged name). Unlike most other universes that strictly applies to a stringent set of rules, the one hosting Stardust, is a living and active universe filled with magic. Stardust itself is the host of a variety enlightened individuals who's societies have long since left the bounds of their origin planets and and planetary systems. A few of these have established themselves as interplanetary societies ranging from small kingdoms to vast empires and federations.

Nations of Stardust

Any group who holds stable political and military control over at least three decently sized population centers (usually meaning at least 5 million enlightened people per unless they're a minuscule or massive race compared to humanoids) is considered a nation. Below are some of the more powerful nations.

Merika Federation of Planets

The Merika Federation of Planets is a collective of semi-independent planets bound together by a very, very strong central government (though each planet is its own state) and the fact that most of the population are pure human. As a whole, they have a fairly advanced understanding of magic and much of their technology is a large portion of magic with a smaller portion of science.

Military: They've got a very powerful magic powered navy focusing more towards endurance with thick and heavily enchanted hulls. Their guns are turret based but extremely heavy and pack a powerful punch. Their main drawback is their lack of maneuverability and poor acceleration, however they've developed spatial anchors allowing them to make emergence stops (the anchors also double as a inertia dampener field when rigged right). Their design is reminiscent of seafaring dreadnoughts and battleships (and per-dreadnought) warships ( stuff like Space Battleship Yamota and the likes

Traditionalist Pirate Coven (more of a "Nation")

The Traditionalist Pirate Coven is a collective of extremely wealthy nationless individuals who own their own spaceports, moons and capital class ships (some with a couple of worlds as well) who employ people on the mega-corporate level. The TPC's upper echelons hold to a code (read: "guidelines") with various rules to keep the non-formal alliance held together. Many of the groups within the coven do follow through with piratical actions, while others are more or less really well armed merchants, none the less you will find people of all sort within the TPC.

Military: Most TPC ships are mostly magical and due to style trends take on the appearance of vessels from the Golden Age of Sailing vessels that sail through space. TPC ships, no matter their form, unless disguised, are easily recognized by the fact that they will have piratical looking flag (either actual or painted on their hull).
(Semi-flimsy ships, heavy attackers and swift moving, good at boarding)

Neo Roma Empire

It's a giant empire that's both equally technologically advanced and magically advanced, they lean towards using technology though and currently hold the largest standing military (particularly their ground forces, and they have more numbers than anybody else as far as ships and personnel). Due to their size they're also the most racially diverse nation (partially due to holding the homeworlds of many younger races) and easily accepting more into their folds.

Military:The empire has a massive fleet of mostly technologically based vessels (since magic doesn't work for every race) which are designed primarily for versatility and inexpensive (thus replaceable) external parts while shielding the core and crew. They also have the largest ground army who's over all strength is third after Dragol and the Fae State Union.

Dragol Kingdom

Ruled by King Aeshar, the kingdom is a collection of scattered worlds connected by a massive portal system. The kingdom is entirely magic based, mostly because it is centered around dragons who are picky about their roosting locations.

Millitary: The kingdom's main means of defense against invasion (and means of invasion) is dragon riders. Capable of fighting in space, and usually providing way superior to smallcraft in any way they choose to be, a dragon is a force to be reckoned with, and when with an experienced rider (who literally wear plate armor enchanted to keep them alive) can prove to be more than a match for anything less than a NRE cruiser. In addition to the Dragons and Dragon Knights they also have massive fortresses which are known for being nigh impenetrabl through material and magical strength.

Fae State Union

A coalition of Elven nations that more or less keeps trade open between them as well as a joint military defense against outsiders and a non aggression pact between all of them. Typically a shaky agreement, however none of the sides (even the Dark Elves) will really try anything that could actually threaten it. The Union has repelled invaders on more than one occasion and proven to be a powerful force when actually united.

Military: The FSU lacks in space capabilities but, have planet to planet portal networks, planetary defense wards and their soldiers are known to be the best elite ground forces.

Unknown Invaders

The unknown invaders are really a mystery. It's unknown as to where they even came from but most speculate they came from another galaxy, aside from suddenly launching an attack at the edge of the known galaxy. After a short blitzkrieg, their were halted after a combined effort from most the major galactic powers along with a few smaller powers managed to halt their progress, for the the time being.

Military: The Unknown use magical powered armor which is notably mostly necromancy in nature. Their vessels are nearly all capital ships and their tactics consist of boarding action whenever possible.

International Organisations

Humanity First

They're a fascist and xenophobic group mostly located within the Neo Roma Empire and Merika Federation of Planets. They're a not very secret-secret society who happen to have a substantial amount of political power in the NRE and some in the TPC and MFP.


Races of Stardust


Elves are one of the longest inter-planetary races of Stardust, having used magic to teleport and later build massive gates leading from one world to another with little thought of creating devises to fly across the skies and void. The average elf is a slender humanoid with many similarities to a fair-0skinned human (Dark Elves being the exception) but with longer ears (one and a half to twice as long) that taper off to a point at the top. Overall Elves are known for their superior agility and arcane prowess.

There are four species of elves, which are perfectly capable of interbreeding, however the offspring will inherit most of the traits from one of the two species with only come characteristics of the other parent (enough so that they're distinctly one or the other, if a Dark Elf and a High Elf have a child it's going to be clearly be either a High Elf or a Dark Elf).

Legend is that the elves once were a perfect people. Masters of magic, cunning and wise, and skillful combatants and spiritually connected. However their creator goddess, some time after their creation  left her lover for another god. The old lover, in a fit of jealous rage twisted and tore apart her perfect race. His action left the elves divided into four species forever (because their creator couldn't completely fix them, only make them into stable beings).

High Elves: High Elves are near incontestably the most magically powerful people, and often serve as battle mages, enchanters and artificers for Elvenkind. However they tend to be reclusive and prefer to stick to Elven territories or their subplane. (note to self, make this suplane later). Those that venture beyond specifically Elven territories are often employed as advisers in the matters of the arcane.

War/Pale Elves: War Elves are warmongers through and through, some are honorable warriors seeking a challenge, others are straight up marauders who slaughter the weak and innocent. They are defiantly one of the galaxies best, and usually fiercest warriors and make up the bulk of Elvenkind's armies. Outside of general Elven territory many serve as leaders within armies and as powerful mercenaries, those who are less than savory however turn to piracy and worse. 

Their preference is melee combat, or devastating battle magic. Fair skinned and with red or white hair (white's due to Albinism being a common trait), these people will jump into a melee sprawl with a gleeful smile on their face.

Dark Elves: Dark Elves are the shadow of the Elves, often seen as thieves and scoundrels, they are typically just simply not nice and notoriously cunning. Dark skinned and pale hair, they prefer less light over more and won't fight or kill unless they see it to be in their advantage. The less nasty ones are usually merchants, smugglers and spies, while the worse ones are slave traffickers and assassins (and the worst of the worst are politicians).

Wood Elves: Wood Elves prefer peace, serenity, and nature. Although they may seem like hippy pacifistic, they have no qualms with using deadly force and are just simply inherently in tune with nature. They are very spiritual and respect all life, but persecute those who would mess with the natural cycle of life (necromancy) and those who's only objective is destruction or domination.

Humans (Homo sapiens)

Humans originally are from three planets: Terraia, Merikah Prime and Avalon. Terraia is in a magically inert area making the use of magic nigh impossible and is the core of the Neo Roma Empire. Merikah Prime has so much mana they had to fight off elves for it a multitude of times. Avalon is also the homeworld of the Dragons. Nobody know which one humanity was on first, and each of the three claim they're the true homeworld. However in the end it is impossible to figure out the answer to this debate.

Because their native sun had some sort of anti-magic aura, the humans of Terraia had to rely completely on physics all the way until they managed to make it a few light years away from their home-star which was providing the anti-magic field. During their expansion period several of their colonies vanished, but most were reconnected and found later on and during their colony recovery time they also had several of their first encounters (some more friendly and some less friendly) and absorbing many of the ones who were pre-intergalactic travel into their empire.

Those of Merikah Prime, unlike their cousins on Terraia, have an overabundance of mana on their world and since they can't directly harness most of it themselves they have developed technology base around using their abundant amount of mana. Merikah Prime was discovered by the Elves, of which many thought it would be a good idea to take the planet for themselves (the Wood Elves protested this, everybody else were for it) and learned soon after that the humans of the planet were very good artificers (and particularly so when it came to making war machines and weapons).

Avalon has neither a great abundance nor lack of mana, but is one of the very few worlds where more than one inteligente species developed side by side, and fewer still of the ones where both survived. It is the home of both Humans and Dragons who after the longest of time fighting each other (and getting very good at killing in the process) eventually got over their differences (and eating each other) have developed a symbiotic relationship.

The only mammal species to be able to literally be able to interbreed with most other species (however the resulting half-breeds for most races are impotent) 

Katyrn (Homo nekomimi)

The Katyrn are a typically tropical or savanna preferring people. Highly similar to humans but typically lighter and much more lithe and bearing feline ears, tails, eyes, teeth and claws. They're one of the fastest people with their average speed easily out stripping most others, and also holding almost all track records in the Galactic Olympic records.

The Katyrn were once humans from a Terraian/Neo Roma colony planet thousands of year ago. The planet they landed on incidentally was a mana rich place which hadn't been discovered by anybody else (namely the elves who like finding such planets). During the colonization process, some crazy guy who wanted to have a harem of catgirls (or just simply wanted to to turn the entire world population into nekomimi for some other reason) managed to somehow turn an entire world's worth of population into nekomimi (exact method is unknown and unrecorded). A few hundred years after that the elves found the planet and technically made first contact with Tarraian humans at that point who were just starting to discover magic themselves.

Wolffen (Homo lupine) 

What started as a genetic super-soldier experiment by the Neo Roma Empire (NRE) propagated into a full fledged species. Those born with Wolffen genes exhibit some form of canine attributes and usually have a far superior sense of smell. The Wolffen are literally born fighters, though many have aggression issues and don't take orders well. Statistics show that over 70% of bar fights in the NRE are caused by Wolffen (and 98% involve them).




So far they're just the 40k Ork rip-offs (cheap players, ripping of 40k orks), though lot less warmongery and a lot more integrated with the rest of the universe, so socially they're more like Shadowrun Orcs. 
(They don't get to make things happen because they believe it will, unless they have magic)


Often mistaken as related to Orks, Goblins are short and cunning green skinned nuances which seem to have a neck for technology and being unnoticed (until things blow up naturally). They have a less evolved cousin race called Gremlins which are notoriously considered pesks (even to goblins) who are excessive kleptomaniacs and unparalleled thieves.


The Vyss are a race of redish purple vine plant people who have several extremely strong tentacles making them very good at grasping things. They evolved as cliff dwellers and are also a very common non-human race in the NRE. 
(there are no human-vyss crossbreeds despite various attempts at this)