
80 Spelsay Rules to Say English Revealing Exact Spelling - March 2024

      This page is https://justpaste.it/spelsay3-24    All phonetics here are in bd8ec66db9a0123953912c991df03f96.png

Spelsay is a special way to say English words to indicate correct spelling 
Therefore, all double letters and silent letters are pronounced,  and some letters and letter strings are said differently from normal.

(e.g.  soft  "c" (as in "since") normally is ~s, so it needs a special pronunciation to indicate "soft c" not "s".  It will sound funny but the spelling is decodable.

Click here to hear spelsay sample studies.

Click here to hear me discuss the 80 rules below

Click here for audio of 5 sample words for each rule

Table 1  80 Spelsay Phoneme Rules to Indicate  Exact Spelling of English Words 
Rule sample in US English      RULE
No. type if you SEE You can SAY words  (~truespel) say in Spelsay say  ~  for  " "
1 vowel "a" ~a , ~aa, ~ae glass  able ~glas  ~aebool

~glass ~glaass ~aeble

~a , ~aa , ~ae for "a"
2 vowel "ar" ~aar far ~faar ~faar ~aar for "ar" 
3 vowel "a" ending ~u sofa  ~soefu ~soefu ~u for ending "a"
4 vowel "a"-cons-"e" ~ae-e fade(s,d,ing) ~faed (z,ed,eeng) ~faede ~ae and ~e
5 vowel "all" ending ~au all ~aul ~faul'l ~au for ending "-all"
6 vowel "ation" ~aeshin ration  ~ra ~raeeshin   ~ra ~raeeshin   ~a  or ~ae with "tion"
7 vowel "ai" ~ae'i said ~sed   ~sae'id ~ae'i for "ai"
8 vowel "au" ~au Paul ~Paul ~Paul ~au for "au"
9 vowel "ang", "ank" ~ae bang,bank ~baen ~baenk ~baeng(k) ~ban ~ae or "a" in "ang,nk"
10 vowel "ay" ~ae say ~sae ~sae ~ae for "ay"
11 vowel "e" ~e get ~get ~get ~e for "e"
12 vowel "e"-cons-"e" ~ee'e here  ~heer  ~heere ~ee and ~e
13 vowel "ee" ~ee'ee free ~free ~free"ee ~ee'ee for "ee"
14 vowel "ea" ~ee'a real ~reel ~ree'al ~ee'a, ~ee'aa for "ea"
15 vowel "ei" ~ee'i their ~thair ~th(h)ee'ir ~ee'i for "ei"
16 vowel "eo" ~ee'oe people ~peepool ~pee'oeple ~ee'oe for "eo"
17 vowel "er" ~er after ~after ~after ~er for "er"
18 vowel "e" ending ~e fade ~faed ~faede ~e for ending "e"
19 vowel "e" ending ~ee 5 words "we,be,he,she,me" ~wee,bee, etc ~ee special "e" endings
20 vowel ~eu" ~eeyue Europe ~Yerip ~Eeyueroepe ~eeyue for "eu"
21 vowel "i" ~i  sit     ~sit    ~sit    ~i  for "i" 
22 vowel "I" (caps) ~Ie I  (in caps) ~Ie ~Ie ~ie for capital "I"
23 vowel "i"-cons-"e" ~ie-e ~side ~sied ~siede ~ie and ~e
24 vowel "igh" ~ie sigh ~sie ~sie ~ie for "igh"
25 vowel "ing",   "ink" ~i  (~ee) sing   sink ~sing(k)  (~i) ~sing(k) ~i  or~ee in "ing""ink"
26 vowel "ia"  ~i'a (~aa) material ~mutteeree'ool ~maateri'al ~i'a (aa) for "ia"
27 vowel "ie" ~ie'e lied ~lied ~lie'ed ~ie'e for "ie"
28 vowel "io" see "s/tion" ~i'oe  ~ie'oe million ~milyin ~mil'li'oem ~i'oe ~ie'oe for "io"
29 vowel "o" ~oe no ~noe ~noe ~oe for "o"
30 vowel "oa" ~oe'a  (oe'aa) boat ~boet ~boe'at, ~boe'aat ~oe'a(aa) for "oa"
31 vowel "oe" ~oe'e goes ~goez ~goe'es ~oe'e for "oe"
32 vowel "o"-cons-"e" ~oe-e bone (s) ~boen  ~boenz ~boene  ~boenes ~oe and ~e
33 vowel "oo" ~oo  ~oe'oe book ~book ~book  ~oo for "oo"
34 vowel "or" ~or for ~for  ~for  ~or for "or"
35 vowel "ou" ~ou out ~out ~out ~ou for "ou"
36 vowel "oi" ~oi join ~join ~join ~oi for "oi"
37 vowel "ong" ~au long  ~laung  (~loeng) ~laung  ~loeng ~aung ~oeng for "ong"
38 vowel "u" ~u fun ~fun ~fun ~u for "u"
39 vowel "u" beginning ~u    ~yue up   use ~up ~yuez(~s) ~up    ~yues  ~u begin ~yue (30%)
40 vowel "ua" ~yue'aa actually ~akchoolee ~aktue'aal'lee ~ue'aa for ~ua
41 vowel "ue" ending ~ue blue ~blue ~blue ~ue for ending "ue"
42 vowel "u"-cons-"e" ~ue-e tune ~tuen ~tuene ~ue and ~e
43 vowel "ution" ~ueshin solution ~sullueshin ~sul'lueshin ~ueshin for "ution"
44 vowel "y" vowel ~ie'y try ~trie ~triey ~iey for vowel "y"
45 vowel "y" ending ~ee silly silee sil'lee ~ee for ending "y"
46 cons "b" ~b bed ~bed ~bed ~b for "b"
47 cons "c" hard ~k can ~kan ~kan ~k for hard "c"
48 cons "c" soft ~s'y (sibilant) cider  ~sieder ~syider ~s'y for soft "c"
49 cons "cial  ~shool special ~speshool ~speshool ~shool for "cial"
50 cons "ch" ~ch chip ~chip ~chip ~ch fr "ch"
51 cons "d" ~d dig ~dig ~dig ~d for "d"
52 cons "f" ~f for ~for ~for ~f for "f"
53 cons "g"  hard ~g good  ~good ~good  ~g for hard "g"
54 cons "g"  soft ~g'j gene ~jeen ~gjeene ~g'j for soft "g"
55 cons "gh" ~g'h tough ~tuf ~toug'h ~g'h for "gh"
56 cons "ge" ending ~j bridge ~brij ~bridj ~j for ending "ge"
57 cons "gy" ending ~jee energy enerjee enerjee ~jee for ending "gy"
58 cons "h" ~h help ~help ~help ~h for "h"
59 cons "h" ending ~h' oh ~oe ~oeh ~h for ending "h"
60 cons "j" ~j jet ~jet ~jet ~j for "j"
61 cons "k" ~k'y (sibilant) bake ~baek ~baek'kye ~k'y for "k"
62 cons "l" ~l let  ~let  ~let  ~l for 'l"
63 cons "m" ~m man ~man ~man ~m for "m"
64 cons "n" ~n nap  ~nap  ~nap  ~n for "n"
65 cons "p" ~p pal ~pal ~pal ~p for "p"
66 cons "ph" ~p'f graph ~graf ~grap'f ~p'f for "ph"
67 cons "qu" ~kw quote ~kwoet ~kwoete ~kw for "qu"
68 cons "r" ~r rich ~rich  ~rich  ~r for "r"
69 cons "s" ~s sips ~sips  ~sour  ~s for "s"
70 cons "sh" ~sh shall ~shal ~shal  ~sh for "sh"
71 cons "sion" ~zhin vision ~vizhin ~vizhin ~zhin for "sion"
72 cons "tion" ~shin ration ~rashin ~rashin ~shin for "tion"
73 cons "t" ~t till ~til ~til ~t for "t"
74 cons "th" ~th the  thin ~thu   ~thhin ~thu ~thhin ~th or ~thh for "th"
75 cons "v" ~v vat ~vat ~vat ~v for "v"
76 cons "w" ~w wool  ~wool  ~wool  ~w for "w"
77 cons "w" ending ~w' how ~hou ~houw ~w for ending "w"
78 cons "x" ~g'z exit ~egzit ~egzit ~gz for "x"
79 cons "y" consonant ~y yes  ~yes  ~yes ~y for "y" consonant
80 cons "z" ~z zip  ~zip  ~zip  ~z for "z"
sample in US English You can say       RULE
type If  you  SEE You can SAY words  (~truespel) in Spelsay say  ~  for  " "