Speeding is one of the most common causes of car accidents. According to the Utah Department of Public Safety, speeding was a contributing factor in 24% of all fatal crashes in Utah in 2019. It is necessary to contact a car accident lawyer after experiencing a car accident. Robert J. DeBry & Associates are experts in the field and are ready to win your case.
The Causes of Excessive Speed on Utah Roads
Excessive speed is one of the leading causes of fatal car accidents on Utah roads. Drivers commonly drive over the posted speed limit because they are running late or simply want to get where they are going faster. But doing so can put them and other drivers at risk for serious injury or death if an accident occurs.
Reckless driving is also another cause of excessive speeds on Utah roads. Reckless driving includes any behavior that puts others at risk, such as tailgating, weaving through traffic, or failing to signal when changing lanes. Unfortunately, this behavior often leads to high-speed collisions that can be deadly for those involved.
Repercussions for Excessive Speeding
Excessive speeding carries serious repercussions under civil and criminal law in every state across the U.S., including Utah. For example, if a driver is found guilty of excessive speeding, they can face fines, jail time, or license suspension depending on their record and whether someone was injured or killed due to their actions. In addition, if someone is injured or killed due to reckless speeding, then the driver may be liable for damages related to medical expenses or wrongful death claims.
Speeding Prevention Tips
Stay safe while driving with these helpful tips from Robert J. DeBry & Associates:
- Be aware of your speed at all times – always obey posted speed limits wherever you travel
- Avoid distractions – keep your eyes on the road at all times
- Leave plenty of space between you and other vehicles – this allows more room for reaction time
- Be prepared for sudden stops – look far ahead so that you know what lies ahead
- Drive defensively – be aware of other drivers around you; they may not always follow traffic laws
- Pay close attention when approaching intersections – slow down and be prepared for possible lane changes or sudden stops before entering an intersection;
- Use cruise control - set your cruise control when appropriate so that you don't exceed posted speed limits inadvertently. Applying these tips could help save lives!
If you face legal charges related to a high-speed crash resulting in injury or death, contact an experienced car accident lawyer. Robert J. DeBry & Associates specializes in personal injury cases involving high-speed collisions.