Standard (Hear and see lyrics) | | ~Truespel |
Untranslated words are bold |
Those Were The Days |
Thoez Wer Thu Daez
Once upon a time there was a tavern |
Wunts uppaan u tiem thair wuz u tavern
Where we used to raise a glass or two |
Wair wee yuezd tue raez u glas or tue
Remember how we laughed away the hours |
Rimmember hou wee lafd uwwae thu aawerz
And dreamed of all the great things we would do |
And dreemd uv aul thu graet thheengz wee wood due
Those were the days my friend |
Thoez wer thu daez mie frend
We thought they'd never end |
Wee thhaut thaed never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day |
Wee'd seeng and dants forrever and u dae
We'd live the life we choose |
Wee'd liv thu lief wee chuez
We'd fight and never lose |
Wee'd fiet and never luez
For we were young and sure to have our way. |
Fer wee wer yung and sher tue hav our wae.
La la la la... |
Laalaa laalaa ..
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days |
Thoez wer thu daez, oe yes thoez wer thu daez
Then the busy years went rushing by us |
Then thu bizee yeerz went rusheeng bie us
We lost our starry notions on the way |
Wee laust our staaree noeshinz aan thu wae
If by chance I'd see you in the tavern |
If bie chants ied see yue in thu tavern
We'd smile at one another and we'd say |
Wee'd smiel at wun unnuther and wee'd sae
Those were the days my friend |
Thoez wer thu daez mie frend
We thought they'd never end |
Wee thhaut thaed never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day |
Wee'd seeng and dants forrever and u dae
We'd live the life we choose |
Wee'd liv thu lief wee chuez
We'd fight and never lose |
Wee'd fiet and never luez
For we were young and sure to have our way. |
Fer wee wer yung and sher tue hav our wae.
La la la la... |
Laalaa laalaa ..
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days |
Thoez wer thu daez, oe yes thoez wer thu daez
Just tonight I stood before the tavern |
Just tunniet Ie stood beeffor thu tavern
Nothing seemed the way it used to be |
Nuthheeng seemd thu wae it yuezd tue bee
In the glass I saw a strange reflection |
In thu glas Ie sau u straenj rifllekshin
Was that lonely woman really me |
Wuz that loenlee woomin reelee mee
Those were the days my friend |
Thoez wer thu daez mie frend
We thought they'd never end |
Wee thhaut thaed never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day |
Wee'd seeng and dants forrever and u dae
We'd live the life we choose |
Wee'd liv thu lief wee chuez
We'd fight and never lose |
Wee'd fiet and never luez
For we were young and sure to have our way. |
Fer wee wer yung and sher tue hav our wae.
La la la la... |
Laalaa laalaa ..
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days |
Thoez wer thu daez, oe yes thoez wer thu daez
Through the door there came familiar laughter |
Thhrue thu dor thair kaem fummilyer lafter
I saw your face and heard you call my name |
Ie sau yer faes and herd yue kaul mie naem
Oh my friend we're older but no wiser |
Oe mie frend wee're oelder but noe wiezer
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same |
Fer in our haarts thu dreemz aar stil thu saem
Those were the days my friend |
Thoez wer thu daez mie frend
We thought they'd never end |
Wee thhaut thaed never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day |
Wee'd seeng and dants forrever and u dae
We'd live the life we choose |
Wee'd liv thu lief wee chuez
We'd fight and never lose |
Wee'd fiet and never luez
For we were young and sure to have our way. |
Fer wee wer yung and sher tue hav our wae.
La la la la... |
Laalaa laalaa ..
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days |
Thoez wer thu daez, oe yes thoez wer thu daez