
Shadow Libraries

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Silent Factory @silentfactory · Dec 9, 2022 · edited: Jan 10, 2025

The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library.

— Albert Einstein



https://singlelogin.re/  -  SCAM sites:  https://z-lib.is/login  -   z-lib.io  -  z-lib.is  -  zlibrary.to  -  ...
Telegram: https://t.me/zlibrary_official         Twitter: https://twitter.com/Z_Lib_official         Contact: support@z-lib.se

Install the browser extension to get directed to an access web site. Chrome - [extension for other browsers might be available]


Z-Library want to organize "Z-Points" collection and storage points for books that will be the link between those who share their books and those who need them. Book owners who are willing to share them with other users can send books to the nearest Z-Point in their region. And those who need books stored in these points will be able to receive them for their use. More about "Z-Point": https://justpaste.it/z-points



Soil and Health Library

Free downloadable e-books about radical agriculture, natural hygiene/nature cure and self-sufficiency.
There are secondary collections involving social criticism and transformational psychology.



Open Access Journals [Research articles]
MDPI has the mission to foster open scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines. 


Little Free Library Movement  [Visit or make your own small neighbourhood library]

Our mission is to be a catalyst for building community, inspiring readers, and expanding book access for all through a global network of volunteer-led Little Free Libraries.




BookCrossing  [Printed books putted out "in the wild" to be found that can be tracked via a website]

"Leaving a book in a public place to be picked up and read by others, who then do likewise."


Films For Action  [Documentaries]

Online library for social change.  https://www.filmsforaction.org/


Films For The Planet  [Documentaries]



PDF Drive  [Search engine for PDF files.]

Over 81,276,756 eBooks for you to download for free. No annoying ads, no download limits.

Request or upload books. https://www.pdfdrive.com/


Flip Book Libraries  [Publishing platform and book shelfs]

Digital publishing platform: our publications, read by millions of readers worldwide.

https://fliphtml5.com/                 Book case sample: https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/dyfu


Interference Archive

The mission of Interference Archive is to explore the relationship between cultural production and social movements. https://interferencearchive.org/

Library Genesis (LibGen)

Library Genesis is a file-sharing based shadow library website for scholarly journal articles, academic and general-interest books, images, comics, audiobooks, and magazines. The site enables free access to content that is otherwise paywalled or not digitized elsewhere.  https://libgen.li/          https://librarygenesis.net/           https://librarygenesis.pro/


Open Library

Open Library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published.
Read, borrow, and discover more than 3M books.   



A wide range of materials organised by theme or media type.

Includes material on philosophy, activism, permaculture, peace education, seed exchange, history, ....



Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks.    https://www.gutenberg.org/


Small Pocket Library (SPL)

Support and help students and teachers or anyone interested in science. https://www.smallpocketlibrary.com/


MDPI Open Access Journals

A pioneer in scholarly, open access publishing, MDPI has supported academic communities since 1996.

MDPI has the mission to foster open scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines.




DataCite is an international not-for-profit organization which aims to improve data citation in order to: establish easier access to research data on the Internet increase acceptance of research data. https://datacite.org/



Access over 160 million publication pages and stay up to date with what's happening in your field.



Science Repository

At Science Repository, we are committed to the goals of Open Access Policies. Open access (OA) articles in Science Repository journals are published under Creative Commons licenses.



Primal Health Research Databank

"Primal Health Research" explores correlations between the 'primal period' (fetal life, perinatal period and year following birth) and health and personality traits in later life. -- Michel Odent   https://www.primalhealthresearch.com/


Figure 1 - Peer review platform -

Figure 1's mission is to democratize medical knowledge and improve the future of healthcare.

A trustworthy peer-to-peer platform that unites healthcare professionals. Anyone can join.



History Is A Weapon
Educate - Agitate - Organise


Twitter: https://twitter.com/hiawdotorg


A site for projects of protest and creative dissent. [Via WayBack Machine (Internet Archive)]



More Shadow Libraries








Library For A Better World
Shadow Articles
Censorship - Index

Sites To Find Jobs And Occupations


The Art of Hosting a Film Screening

ChatGPT Conversations

Featured library material

People to know about

Initiatives to learn from

Articles & Materials of Interest [Index]

Midwifery materials via Bit.ly links

Midwifery Reading List







