
What is the difference between scorching earth effect in military and relationship?

The scorching earth effect was originally introduced in the military but nowadays it is used in relationships as well. The scorching earth effect indicates a strategy where a weaker army destroys the infrastructure, water sources, and food so that the stronger army cannot survive for a long time. This is traditionally a survival or defensive approach in the military.


But in relationships, the scorching earth effect is used as an offensive approach. Here one or both partners will try to defame the other person and destroy everything useful to the other partner, such as character, fame, and respect. The aggressor often crosses the limit and the victim experiences the mental and physical impact of the approach. 

The aggressor can even use social media and social networks to defame the other person which badly hurts someone's reputation. If you ever experience such an impact in your life, immediately keep a distance from the person and ensure your safety. If needed seek professional help and legal, and social justice against your partner. If you hesitate to ask for legal or social justice, situations can be difficult for you sometimes.