After a long day, here comes
Time for resting in our beds,
Now, none of us runs,
After arranging chaos in our heads,
Go and sleep,
Have a deep,
Of mind,
Without neural strike,
I wish you dreams,
Calm and fairytale like,
I’ll just say,
Have a good night.
„Brave Georgians”
Every day they are in better condition,
Training hard before a difficult mission,
They all have fear in their eyes,
Fear that some of them may die,
Those young, polite girls and boys,
Few years ago were playing with toys,
Now they are ready to sacrifice their lives,
In name of innocents that could stay alive,
Living in peace,
And we help them having,
No casualties,
How brave must you be?
To look straight,
Into death’s face,
Stay confident when you see,
Her taking your friends,
That’s sad,
That war never ends.
-With respect for soldiers going to Afghanistan
11.03.2019 Dav Matal
„Catch it”
Just stop wasting your life,
Time to put on the bright,
Live the colors and nature,
Don’t kill your life coz you’re mature,
Load the saturation,
Go to some different location,
Meet the new things around,
And when you’re done,
Go for another round,
Of living and being happy,
Because that’s the purpose,
If you listen to me,
You will be lucky,
Coz that’s the recipe for,
Happiness overdose,
So go and catch a life.
27.03.2019 Dav Matal
„Life Garden”
Sometimes a Flower just dies,
So you have to roll the dice,
Deciding, which seed,
You will bring to life,
Watering it, like it was the first,
And only one,
It cannot die, out of thirst,
Do the best to be its sunshine,
So the Flower blooms fine,
Everyday add one pound,
Of the fresh ground,
So the minerals will make it grow,
And the Flower won’t want to go,
The felicity would be to you,
09.03.2019 Dav Matal
„Matte Ice Shape”
What is my inspiration,
For march rotation?
I may feel confused,
I do,
Rain of thinking hits my body,
Making me need to have somebody,
To talk, to laugh with,
I have a luggage of things I did,
And I’m not strong enough to decide,
If my feelings have already died,
My heart needs a warm touch,
Frozen to matte ice may not melt,
But I wish someone lit the torch,
And followed me around the world,
Making me want to be loved,
And call her my beloved.
09.03.2019 Dav Matal
„My thanks for company”
I’d like to say thank you,
For awesome experience,
It was something new,
You boosted my confidence,
So I’m thankful brothers,
And happy that there is,
Nothing that bothers,
We’re all one crew,
With good music taste,
And some smooth moves,
I’ll miss those conversations,
Laughing about gate penetrations,
So lads, gamarjoba,
Time to move out,
See you on the next rotation.
1503.2019 Dav Matal
„One more”
One more glorious day,
To follow a different way,
Of life,
Internal sun shines,
It is one more,
Of mental freedom,
Night among snorers,
I’ll miss them,
Being among all the whores,
Back in hometown,
I’m going to go down,
15.03.2019 Dav Matal
“Raindrops make me wet”
Reminder of artistic flow
Back in time for few minutes
When it is time to go
Inspired with Bavarian weather
Inspired by Angel without feathers
That is keep flying around me
One glimmer creates afterglow
And it’s hard not to see
That face in darkness of shadow
Lightened with longing
To Angel I’m belonging.
-25.03.2019 Dav Matal
„Silent Noise”
In a house full of loudness,
I can find internal peace,
Flying away with my mind,
Following illusory kiss,
Watching the room with scream filled,
With the noise that is killed,
Listening but not hearing,
Watching, but not seeing,
Away with my mind,
In different,
Trying to find,
A way back to the world,
Feeling pain in my head,
Wish my thoughts were dead,
If I stopped thinking maybe,
Could you hold my hand baby,
And the pain would be gone,
And the happiness would be done.
09.03.2019 Dav Matal
One shot and the time,
Forever the same view,
Same scene, after a long time a tear,
Everyday try something new,
To stop the time,
It is like a game,
All you have to do
Is to fill the frame,
And make the second,
Then you take the 2nd,
Alive forever,
Like the first one,
With view you can never,
09.03.2019 Dav Matal
„Something Different”
I have time, but no idea,
What to think, what is real,
Came here randomly in a mess,
Feeling like being in a game of chess,
Meeting other participants,
Meanwhile wearing funny pants,
Thinking if there’s any chance,
Of making a long-term,
Friendship, with those,
Who are like a Gem,
Priceless overdose,
Of feeling great,
Maybe I’ll create,
A new view for beautiful people.
08.03.2019 Dav Matal
„Sweet dreams”
Sweet dreams to all the things,
That could once fly without wings,
Sweet dreams to all the emotions,
That can no more create a motion,
Sweet dreams to all the friends,
That used to be, but everything ends,
Sweet dreams to all women,
Who wanted me to be their man,
Sweet dreams to all the days,
That passed away with no grace,
Sweet dreams to darkness,
There’s only place in my head for brightness,
Sweet dreams to all the dogs,
Thank you for hugs and your love,
Sweet dreams for everybody,
Dead inside of their body.
1503.2019 Dav Matal
„The Girl”
First you think she’s shy,
Then you realize she’s not,
Someone would make me cry,
If said that she is hot,
I’d rather use other word,
But beautiful is not enough,
You may think that I’m bored,
But the first thing I thought,
Was that I must meet her,
Coz she’s a gorgeous girl,
With eyes deep so bad,
That they’re making me go mad,
And with that smile,
It’s heresy to be sad,
So I am glad,
I can enjoy looking at her,
Coz view like that ain’t nowhere.
08.03.2019 Dav Matal