
How to Identify the Barriers of Autistic People?

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James @James37 · Mar 24, 2021

Gain a head start in your search for residential care home jobs in Basingstoke with an understanding of the barriers faced by autistic people.

All of us face times when we feel out of our depth in life. Whether starting a new job in a new town, or finding ourselves in a foreign country unable to speak the language, we can all find the world a strange and unnerving place occasionally. But for someone with autism, that feeling of being out of step may always be present, which makes everyday life far more complex.

In this article we’re taking a look at some of the barriers autistic people face, hopefully giving you some insights into the ways of helping them to overcome these obstacles.

Speech, language and communication problems

By far the biggest issue for most people with Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, is communication. No two autistic service users have exactly the same experience, but in most cases communicating with others and understanding the unwritten rules of social situations is an issue. Flexibility of thought isn’t something that comes naturally to people with autism, and this presents unique challenges for them and for the people around them.

Getting creative with communication means - employing gestures, facial expressions, printed and digital media and even drawing and painting in some circumstances. It’s all about taking time and finding out what works for each individual. Makaton is a sign-based language that’s very easily picked up and understood, and this has proved to be a particularly effective communication method for some people with autism.

Difficulty with motor skills

Some people with ASD have particular problems with motor skills and may have trouble trying to complete apparently simple tasks. Not surprisingly, this can be a cause of extreme frustration, and this can often manifest in the form of certain behaviours. But it’s important to remember that this behaviour is as much a form of communication as speech, transmitting a message that needs to be picked up and understood.

There are all sorts of ways in which carers can help with complex or difficult tasks, but it’s important to focus on assisting, rather than simply doing everything for the person. Allowing the person to try and keep trying until they succeed is important in making progress. The key is to correctly gauge when is the right time to take a back seat and when is the time to step forward and offer assistance.

Depression, anxiety and sleep problems

Disruption to sleep patterns can have a profound effect on all of us, but for someone with autism, it may be a regular occurrence. And a lack of sleep can easily exacerbate any underlying anxiety issues, which can manifest in a range of behaviours. It may be necessary to provide high levels of reassurance, taking plenty of time to try to unravel the underlying problems and concerns. In some cases, anti-anxiety medication may be necessary and this needs to be carefully administered according to the advice given by the medical practitioner.

Obsessive compulsive behaviours

OCD behaviours can be common amongst people with autism for all sorts of reasons. Routine and habit can be extremely important to someone with ASD, with even minor deviations from the regular schedules causing distress. Compulsive behaviours can be a method for controlling an overactive mind, and this needs to be understood by those responsible for providing care and support.

Resistance to change of any kind is often a feature of autism, and once again this needs to be understood and accepted by carers. Any attempt to stop or limit the behaviours can cause frustration and anger, so diversionary tactics may need to be employed if the behaviour could be problematic.

The key is to be able to put yourself in someone else’s situation and use empathy to inform your actions. The joy is in helping someone with autism to overcome barriers in order to be able to live a rich and fulfilling life.

A new start with residential care home jobs in Basingstoke

More and more people are deciding to move away from boring and unfulfilling careers and taking up care work instead. And there’s certainly no shortage of residential care home jobs in Basingstoke, with plenty of organisations crying out for caring, empathetic and dedicated recruits.

Start your new career today by searching for residential care home jobs in Basingstoke, and find out what it’s like to wake up wanting to go to work!