
Here Are A Few Ways To Have A Better Smoking Experience

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Smoke Proper @Smoke_Proper · Feb 8, 2021

If you are new to smoking, you might want to know the many ways to smoke better. They include using the best joint flavor, better smoking supplies, such as RAW rolling accessories, a better grinder, and many others. You should also know the right way to smoke so that you do not end up choking. If you are looking for ways to have a better smoking experience, below are a few tips you can consider.


Grind your weed.


Your smoking experience also depends on how you grind your weed. Make sure that your weed is ground properly, proving more space for more weed and allowing your weed to burn evenly. You can use the best grinder to help minimize the time for grinding. While grinding weed, make sure you keep checking whether they are properly ground or it. You can use the tip of your fingers to feel it. 


Use the best smoking accessories.


Make sure you use the best smoking accessories for a better smoking experience. For instance, you can look for RAW rolling accessoriesThey have the best natural unrefined rolling papers, made from hemp. You can also consider getting a rolling kit. It comes with an outer shell which is a cylinder, a snubber, rolling papers, a tweezer, and a dry storage area where you can keep your rolled joint.


Tip: Be sure to check out RAW rolling accessories.


Know how to smoke.


There are a few tips you should know when smoking a joint. Be sure to check out the points below.


Never hold the inhale: Make sure you do not expose your lungs to more tar by inhaling the smoke deeply and holding it for a long time. Consider exhaling soon after you get the flavor.


Keep your rolled joint clean: Always keep your rolled joint clean. If you have a half-used rolled joint, consider storing it in proper storage before you use it again.


Avoid passing your joint: Keep in mind that sharing your stash is OK. However, avoid sharing your rolled joint. When you share your bong or joint, you are indirectly swapping spit with that person. If they have an infection, you are putting yourself at a risk for it too.


Learn a few smoking etiquette.


Make sure you do not disturb others when smoking. Avoid smoking in front of children or people with breathing problems. It might put their lives in danger. Consider going to a smoking zone or any area where you will be alone.


If you enjoy smoking, be sure to look for RAW rolling accessories to get the most of it. You can also consider these few tips on how to smoke better.