Raj Express. Social media today has become a platform where almost every person is active today. In today's time, every person wakes up in the morning and first checks his social media account. But have you ever wondered what happens to their social media accounts when someone dies? If not, then let us tell you today about this.
Facebook :
First of all, Facebook comes in this list, because it is at the top in terms of being used the most. It is up to you whether you will keep the account in memory or delete it after your death. But for this, you have to send a legal contract to Facebook and tell who will handle your account after your death. If you do not do this then your Facebook account will be available to the world for life like Taj Mahal. However, people will be able to see only your posts that you have shared publicly.
Twitter :
This is a platform where your account is closed after you die. But its information will have to be sent to Twitter by any of your relatives or friends. Along with this, the death certificate of the said person will also have to be given.
Instagram :
Here also you have to follow some rules like Facebook and decide whether to close your account or keep it as a reminder. If you keep it for memory, then remember will be written next to your account.
Let us also tell you in the information that if the Twitter account is not active, it gets closed automatically after 6 months. Google also closes the account on receiving information about the death of the user.