
cab.sings 12:10 am
(12:10:05 AM): Saw your comment in the journal. Sorry for being stupid and annoying. I'll leave you alone.
Daniel Cooper 12:11 am
(12:11:34 AM): your polly "relationship" drama is stupid and annoying, you are okay when you're not talking about your stupid polly relationship
cab.sings 12:15 am
(12:15:35 AM): I see. There's no drama. It's a relationship, that's it. And it doesn't even affect you so idk why you care. But it's okay. I'm just going to leave you alone for now.
Daniel Cooper 12:19 am
(12:19:51 AM): just my opinion
(12:19:59 AM): :)
cab.sings 12:21 am
(12:21:21 AM): well, I won't trouble you with it. To save us both headaches, please just don't read my journal entries.
Daniel Cooper 12:31 am
(12:31:51 AM): I wasn't reading yours I was reading and commenting on something they posted
cab.sings 12:32 am
(12:32:04 AM): no, I know.
Daniel Cooper 12:33 am
(12:33:26 AM): You already know how I feel about the situation, my opinion doesn't change because you want to be friends
cab.sings 12:36 am
(12:36:07 AM): I know. Since I know your opinion, that'swhy I asked you not read my journal. So if/when I post about it, you're not subjected to the 'stupidity' and 'drama'
Daniel Cooper 12:37 am
(12:37:29 AM): I'm still going to read it.
Daniel Cooper 12:38 am
(12:38:54 AM): So
(12:39:00 AM): *shrugs*
cab.sings 12:39 am
(12:39:12 AM): youre prerogative
(12:39:26 AM): your*
Daniel Cooper 12:39 am
(12:39:53 AM): exactly
Daniel Cooper 12:43 am
(12:43:21 AM): anyway
(12:43:29 AM): before you kill my buzz
(12:43:37 AM): how are you?
Daniel Cooper (dandersoncooper) is available 12:43 am
wild for the night fuck being polite ߑ̰ߏ 41m ago Comment
Daniel Cooper 12:44 am
(12:44:19 AM): or are you done with me
(12:44:21 AM): again
cab.sings 12:44 am
(12:44:46 AM): I don't know.
cab.sings 12:45 am
(12:45:58 AM): I still want to go climbing and shit occasionally. But at this point friendly acquaintances may be the best I can do.
Daniel Cooper 12:46 am
(12:46:51 AM): So you want to do fun shit still but not be friends?
(12:47:07 AM): Wouldn't you rather do fun shit with your friends?
Daniel Cooper 12:49 am
(12:49:22 AM): You don't make sense.
Daniel Cooper (dandersoncooper) is available 12:49 am
cab.sings 12:51 am
(12:51:02 AM): I like hanging out with you. but I guess you're right. I'm not "done with you" but yeah. I guess acquaintances is best.
Daniel Cooper 12:51 am
(12:51:46 AM): I'm a total dick to you, why do you like hanging out with me still.
cab.sings 12:53 am
(12:53:06 AM): that was meant to be liked. and idk. I guess I'm stupid after all.
Daniel Cooper 12:54 am
(12:54:23 AM): I still don't get it but okay.
(12:54:47 AM): You're not the only one so its not just you I don't get