
So 6 months into my dreadlock journey, a reader of my personal blog told me about cultural appropriation through an ask. At that point I had never heard of that term, and I wish it didn’t exist.
Point was that I was not allowed to have dreadlocks because I am a “white” human being. I’ll come back on the “white” part later.
Basically this means that I am not allowed to look the way I want to look because there are people in this world who feel offended by it. That in itself is not a reason to change your appearance, because it is your body and your life and you can do whatever you want with it.
But because this is much more serious subject, I thought I’d look into it and actually read blogs and articles about it. And here is what I found: People want to reintroduce boundaries between cultures and races. You can say what you want, but that is what it comes down to. 
And I get it. I do. To this day people are still being discriminated against, killed, abused, bullied etc because of their ethnicity, and it is bullshit. They just want to prevent this from happening. It makes me mad that that sort of thing still happens. Especially in a world were interracial relationships are almost not frowned upon. Everyone has a bit of another culture in their family. So saying that they cannot participate in something just because of their skincolor is just… Right, racist. You are doing the exact same thing you say others so to you. Isn’t that a little bit of a double standard?

I cannot believe that some people still actually stand for “white supremacy”. You should be ashamed of yourselves. 

So, a little about my background and upbringing: my families background is very colorful. There is all sorts of cultures mixed in there and I love that. I was brought up with the Asian, native american, European and black culture. One of my biological parents is of color. I don’t know any better than to love and respect all different cultures and ethnicities. 
So for me, being accused of being racist just because of my hairstyle blew my mind. It sounds super silly, and it kind of is.
People LOVE to feel offended by everything all the time. I myself am a perfect example of that too, but I am aware that it originates from a lot of hurt, built up anger and injustice. And that I am being unreasonable. 

And here is the thing. Let’s say that the black culture own the dreadlocks… Why would I as a supposed racist want to look like the people I am against? Why would I in any way shape or form want to mock these people by looking like them.
Right, I wouldn’t.

I got my dreadlocks because 2 years ago I fell ill. I literally had no energy to do anything on my appearance. My hair was driving me insane. So there were two options: shave it, or get dreadlocks and let them be. Since dreadlocks look awesome as hell, that was the obvious choice for me. Ever since I was a kid, I wanted them.
So in my opinion, those are very good reasons to start dreadlocks. It’s convenient, and it looks super rad.
Now I know, some people réálly don’t like dreadlocks on straight “white” hair. You think I look like a matted dog. Well thank you. But my hair dreads the exact same way as afro hair would, so you are kind of insulting part of your own culture by saying stuff like that. Or maybe you’re just saying that because I am white. Which makes it even more wrong..

Stupid example maybe but it did stick with me; remember when David Beckham had cornrows? He went and visited Nelson Mandela with that hairstyle. Do you really think that man felt offended by his hair? No. Because that man knows what actually matters.

Now, some things are not okay to pick up from other cultures and use it without their original meaning. Like crosses or Buddhas. They have become fashion and house decoration items without realizing the meaning behind them. And that is upsetting and disrespectful. But then again, I am not going to make a blog and post pictures of people who have these things in their house and attack them without ever speaking to them or knowing them.

I realize that people are getting hurt. People get fired, killed or bullied because of where they come from, how they look or for their personal believes. That is ridiculous. And I am aware of this.
But wouldn’t it make sense to fight for equality instead of giving the discriminating nazi-like people their way by creating boundaries?

No person of non-african descent with dreadlocks means to hurt or purposely offend anyone. If you do not like how the dreads look, that’s fine. But don’t let it offend you. We love you. We do not want to harm you… Peace. For real.
Let it go, and so will we. We wouldn’t have anything against you had you not started attacking us, accusing us and hurting us.

I personally have done nothing to you and your culture. You are the once who is offended and I really think that is your own problem. 
Spreading my pictures online, saying that I am some sort of racist bitch with ugly matted hair, literally twisting my words and just straight up hating me is not going to make me respect you. It’s not going to get your point across. All you are doing is creating new enemies that you didn’t have to make. You at this point are starting a war. We had nothing against you in the first place. 
Making hateful blogs against “whites” and stealing my pictures is NOT going to get you the respect you want. All you are doing is breaking rules and getting in trouble. 
This isn’t prison, alright.

Fun story actually, I was at the cash registry once, paying for my groceries and this lady who lives a couple of blocks away from me and doesn’t speak my language literally reached over to fistbump me while pointing at her own dreadlocks and then mine. I have never had trouble with this in real life, ever.

So there is that.
This is my opinion and it cannot be changed. I still love everyone despite where they come from or whatever they believe in. That’s not something that should matter. I know that I am not REALLY harming anybody by the way I look so I see no reason to do what you tell me to do.
If you do not agree with this, it’s all good. I have no problem with that. Just don’t attack actual people because of this, alright. There is no need to. Unless they are actually being racist. In that case, go ahead. I mean, that’s just dumb. 
So yeah. If you feel the need to send me hateful messages, or spread this on Tumblr speaking badly of me, don’t bother. Seriously don’t. A grown up discussion or opinion sharing is fine. Just be nice…

With much much love, Ray. ;)